“Don’t worry about it, son,” Jonathan replied with a smile. “Feel free to confuse my baking with my wife’s anytime. No insult there.” He beamed at Martha.
Well, it has been 22 years or so since Clark had his Mom's baking, so his memory is probably not all that good.

“I’m an idiot,” Jerome said, a few seconds later, after pushing his empty plate towards the center of the table.
He has passed the first step, admitting he is wrong.

Martha put her hand over Jerome’s again. “No, you’re not, honey,” she reassured him. “A fool perhaps, but not an idiot.
smile1 he is getting some reassurance.

Lois isn’t the type of woman who wants a man who will tell her what to do and, frankly, I admire her for it.”
I guess I see her point, but Clark was scared.

“But she’s not stupid,” Martha continued. “She loves you, and she loves Superman,
Clark:Then why did she reject my proposal when she found we were one and the same.

Martha:Because you worded it so horribly.

John Pack Lambert