The dialogue from the first part of this conversation with Lois was the same as Clark's conversation with Jack in canon.
I would expect Clark to interact differently with Lois than with Jack. Otherwise he comes off not treating her as his equal. The same applies with Jack, but we never expect him to treat Jack as an equal, we hope he does with Lois.

LOIS: Feelings? [Razz] ugh. No. Unless fury counts as a feeling.
clap , but still frown that Clark does not know this.

That's what canon Clark's afraid of, that Lois will regret getting involved with Superman because Clark Kent doesn't live up to that image and she won't stick around to be with him.
Hmm, I think they should have been more clear on that. I think I understand that view most of the time, he wants Lois to love his human side. I actually liked the scene in "Whine, Whine, Whine" where Lois choses Clark over SM (although it makes his asking Lois to marry him while not telling her because "he wants to know she loves him" not work at all). However, the issues in BatP and FotHoL seem to complicate things more.

John Pack Lambert