“Five,” Luthor said weakly, sitting back in his chair. “I saw three gunmen, the woman, and the leader.”
So they have been taken hostage by a classic 5-man band. A classic 5-man band includes 1 woman.

“One of the men is named Schumack,” Lois said, speaking up for the first time. “S-C-H-U-M-A-C-K.”
Despite all his heavy listening
Is that sort of like heavy breathing?

Perry frowned. “If they had made it here, they would have checked the building. That means that someone stopped them… Willie!” His shoulders dropped. “No, not Willie. I recommended him for the job.”[Quote]

Why did he ever do that?

[Quote]“What’s that supposed to mean?” Perry retorted. “I stand by everyone I’ve ever brought on board here.” He jabbed the table with his index finger.
That seems pretty confident of him.

“Even Ralph?” Lois inquired, her free hand draping over her and Clark’s joined hands as she gazed over at their boss.[Quote]

hyper they are touching a lot. I hope Clark sees that Lois prefers him to Luthor.

[Quote]“He might not be up to your caliber, Lane, granted, but few are.”
It seems a bit odd that Perry calls her by her last name. Unless he figures he should be more formal with an outsider present.

“See! That goes to show that they’ve gotten him too,” Perry defended his friend.
Or that he is a collaborator with their kidnappers.

“So, they could have a sixth guy manning the front desk,” Jimmy suggested.
That would be the only other logical conclusion.

They had to admit that was possible. Clark turned and looked down through the floors, but Willie wasn’t at his desk.
sometimes it seems that Clark never really benefits from having his powers.

“Of course!” Perry replied. “I told Jose, the nightshift editor, that Jimmy and I’d be here tonight, so he could go out with his wife for their anniversary.”
I wonder what Alice thought of this. I was re-watching the Pilot recently and thought it was odd that Alice was not with Perry at the White Orchid Ball. I am not sure she was even mentioned at all before "Pheremone My Lovely".

Clark smiled at his boss, admiring his thoughtfulness.
Lois:Clark, you had better not plan to ditch me for the office like Perry does his wife.

Clark:What are you talking about Lois.

Lois:Ah, nothing, let's move on.

“Then why did Willie think it was strange that we were all here tonight? He said, ‘you’re not supposed to be here’ to all of us, not just me and Mr. Luthor,” Jimbo reminded them.
Another thing is with the printing plant apparently in the same building as the newspapers offices, at least that was my impression from "Barbarians at the Planet", I would think that this indicates that there are probably printers in the building, I would think based on when they "put the paper to bed" some of the printing would be done over night.

“Well, usually, this place is like a tomb on Saturday nights,” Lois said.
Clark:Not when your here Lois, when your hear it is wonderful.

Clark nudged her shoulder and smiled.
dance more touching.

“We’ve spent many a Saturday night investigating here.”
Jimbo:Yeah, sure, those tow "investigate".

Lois returned his smile. “Good times. Nothing like a quiet newsroom to get down to the nitty-gritty of a story.
Jimmy:Is that what they are calling it now.

I’m here most…” She cleared her throat. “Uh… many a Saturday night… er… when I’m not busy.”
Is she trying to throw Luthor off how much time she spends with Clark, or is she just embarrassed that it makes it sound like she lacks a social life?

“See, that’s what I’m saying. That old timer should have known that. The Daily Planet doesn’t close,” Jimbo said.
Well, Willie is fairly new. He might have been highered since Lois began spending more time with Lex.

John Pack Lambert