Clark decided to take a moment while everyone was talking, about whether or not Willie was in on the plot, to murmur in Lois’s ear.
smile1 more communication.

“We all know and admire how dedicated you are, Lois.”
smile1 more touching. OK, this mainly shows we have had too little of such in the last few parts. grumble at not getting the Clark calls Lois to bring her into the Met Star investigation scene.

“And I’d appreciate it if you would recall that my weekend plans were canceled for no good reason.
Why did Clark not counter offer with a more local place to spend time together, instead of just giving up altogether on spending time with Lois. I understand why Lois does not want to spend time with Clark in Metropolis, but I do not understand why Clark did not even try to arrange such. Plus, he has spent so much time with Linda this week, he is lucky Lois is not even more mad at him.

Therefore, I wouldn’t comment, if I were you, when I say ‘yes’ to someone else asking me to join him for an opera I’ve never seen before.”
Clark:If you expect me to buy that this was just a friendly trip to the opera, I have a bridge to sell you along with some prime real estate in Florida.

Clark grabbed her wrist and snapped the now free handcuff around it. “Guess you’re stuck with me.”
Lois:Not until you put a ring on it.

“Very funny,” she growled. “And are you implying that’s a bad thing?”
dance Lois is willing to consider spending time with Clark a good thing.

“It could be,” Clark mumbled under his breath, wondering why he didn’t just join her handcuff directly to the chair.
Because he likes being connected to Lois.

True, he felt her safety more keenly when they were together, but did it have to be literally?
It's all he can get these days.

Then he remembered Lois had freed her own wrist from the bands, not his.
So he would have left Lois free to run off to Lex.

She wasn’t expecting him to escape; she was planning to do it.
Lois:Don't be silly. Clark can break out of chains. I saw him do it at the Messenger hangar.

Clark:No you didn't, otherwise you would not have treated me like scum while being gaga for my alter ego.

Lois:Well, I saw the results of you breaking the chain, I just did not understand it at the time.

John Pack Lambert