Michael: Wow, you're already up to 93 and I'm way back here. I don't have much time because I *really* should be working on my taxes razz and filling out my insurance renewal paperwork... but maybe if I procrastinate with one or two FDK, it wouldn't be soooooo bad, right? wink

It’s so you immediately know whether they’ve accidently put you into a freezer in the morgue.
Wouldn't the lack of cold be the key factor?

So, it’s a bit like Corrina’s Trusting Me, Trusting You? Only with a good cop instead of a bad cop?
I vaguely remember that scene, but I don't think that was Henderson in her story was it?

No tiny Lois in there, huh?
No. frown

So… /reads between lines/ It is a picture of Lois after all?
Not that kind of landscape.

LOIS: What?!

The scenery got blasted by a nuclear firestorm back in his own dimension?
hyper A Challenge!

I always pronounce it ‘menn-h-a’ in my head. ‘me’ as in ‘me’, emphasis on the ‘n’, a slightly vocal ‘h’ and the ‘a’ like in ‘car’. And now I googled around a bit and figured out, the Portuguese pronounce it a tad differently than a German speaker would. Who’d have thought…
Lois doesn't know Portuguese so this is her interpretation of the spelling on this nickname.

Funny aside, it always reminded me of this Minna... It also has a bit of a stocky house maid connotation and is ocationally used to refer to the automated household machinery such as a washing machine or the dishwasher. It always made me grin when putting this spin on Clark’s endearment. Oh dear, is that Lois heading this way? <<goes out to buy a box of DFCB for protection>>
clap That's great. I love that Minna means "Protection".

Lex could offer to help him recover his memory in the Luthor Institute for Brain Disorders. Provided morality and understanding of right and wrong are nurture, not nature, this might help The Boss™ out a lot with future endeavors. Until he goes the way of Darth Plaegious.
Well, let's hope Lex doesn't get ahold of him then.

The next victim in his serial killer collection.

WALLY: You take what you can get.
CLARK: [Linked Image] That's okay. I'm fine without having my temperature taken.

Hey, where’s Mindy?
I was tempted to make Michelle Mindy, but then I decided that was too many coincidences in one story. Plus, I was trying not to have Clark abused while in the hospital. Michelle looks more like: [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTRCGwpseHNYLslWfQzRjE3kW_dTZIY7xkEXQe5ShNRlYDA6AcY[/img]

LOIS: <<mad> She better stay away.
It's better for her health.

So, he’s named just like the president? Does that make Michelle his Monica?
CLARK: evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.