Originally posted by John Lambert:
But Lois did give two different explanations of why she called him Chuck while there.
And you think that they remember that from all those months ago?

Which fic was it?
I think we were talking about Double Jeopardy.

I was going to say two but figured that it might be possible to weasle out of counting when they were at the Kerth's together. They also spent time together the Sunday after that, but it was not a date.
Technically, Jimmy was her date to the Kerths. And brunch wasn't an official date, just two people eating together and hanging out.

I guess that answers why he let her in, but why would he give his real address when getting a job in an undercover persona?
[Linked Image] In case they actually checked it out?

Although, Henderson probably does not know about the bombing there, so maybe he really could not have supplied such information.
Lois mentioned the bombing as a possible attack on Clark before his apartment was broken into, so Henderson knows about it, at least, from that description and probably because it was in the news.

But this Henderson did deal with the more recent break-in to Clark's apartment. Although maybe he avoided being anywhere with Lois and Clark at that point, at least enough to not see they were now fully in a relationship.
Henderson and Lois passed outside Clark's apartment, so he wasn't witness to Clark agreeing with Floyd's description of Lois as his girlfriend.

I guess I am remembering canon where Henderson brought in Lois when she had even less relationship with Clark. However I guess there they were not trying to pretend Clark was dead.
They aren't pretending that Clark is dead. They are pretending that they don't have any knowledge that he was found alive in Hob's Bay. Yes, the circumstances are a bit different than canon.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.