Jonathan and Meena
I have to admit that this heading initially totally confused me. This is partly because I have always thought of Minha as pronounced how I would say "My nah". I know that it really is pronounced me, but I am so ingraned into English pronouncing that I have always mispronounced it, and so it initially totally baffled me.

When one wasn’t allowed visitors, television, radio, reading, or communication with the outside world,
Wait, they are not allowing him to read? This does sound harsh.

He was allowed a visitor. Thank goodness.
Lois:He really is off if he is not focused on them not letting me in.

[Qute]The inspector stared at him[/Quote]

Henderson is probably by now totally concinved CK=SM.

“But you usually wear them; maybe you have astigmatism.”
This is probably the best reason to tell Clark at this point.

When Henderson pulled out the glasses from the side pocket of the bag, a piece of paper fluttered out. The inspector scowled, muttering something under his breath that sounded like ‘Bane’, but probably was ‘insane’.
Lois:How can Clark not recognize my name?

“What?” Clark asked, but the man shook off the comment as unimportant. Not to be deterred, Clark pointed at the paper. “What’s that? Is that for me?”
I am sure it is.


I wish I could see you, but it’s up to me now to save the world. Perry, Jimmy, and I miss you. Okay, Cat does too. Take care and come home soon.


I did figure out who Meena was at this point, and I guess it makes sense she spells it this way.

Clark looked at Henderson with confusion. “No, this isn’t for me,” he said, sighing with disappointment.
I guess it makes sense he thinks this. He does not know about Chuck.

“It’s for some guy named ‘Chuck’ with kids and a cat. Meena must be his wife.”
hyper at least he still recognizes this important truth.

Another voice, a female voice, inside his head told him that ‘if he couldn’t say something nice, it was better not to say anything at all’.
It seems if this is a quote, it would probably be "if you can't say something nice", this looks more like a paraphrase.

“Sure you are, John,” Michelle said, not believing him.
My first reaction was that she really did not pay attention to her patients.

“I know, but that’s what it says on your chart,” Michelle said. “‘John Doe’.”
I had forgotten that Henderson had not told them his identity.

His stomach churned unpleasantly at that name.
At some level he remembers the show down with Tempus under that name. At first I wondered why, and then I remembered that this is after alt-Clark went to help during that problem.

“It doesn’t only pertain to dead bodies, you know, as it does on TV,” she told him. “It also works for those of us with no memories.”
I would have to say this is just an even more annoying line from the nurse. She is not a person with no memory, so her use of "us" just comes across as a false attempt at empathy.

“What’s the difference between John and Jonathan?” she asked in a teasing tone.
Oh I really do not like this nurse. Being named John and having dealt with far too many people who think that it is just a nickname for Jonathan, I have to say that this is the most cringeworthy line ever.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. There just is.”

She shrugged. “Jonathan, it is, then.”
So now I understand the section heading. Until this point I figured we would be seeing Smallville this section.

He hadn’t wanted the inspector to tell him the truth just yet, if the man even knew.
I guess Henderson would have recognized this as a pciture of Lois. However it is hard to know if what he would have said about Lois would have really helped Clark at all.

For tonight, Clark hadn’t wanted the possibility of her to be ruined for him. Clark would ask Henderson in the morning.
Somehow I expect her to make it to his room before then.

Tonight this woman would be his.
Lois:I like the sound of that. But why does he not recognize me more?

Tonight he could be her ‘Chuck’. She could be his ‘Meena’.
clap Although I could not actually imagine naming a girl Perry. I am sure it has been done, but between Perry White and Perry Mason, I just could not do it.

They could live in a big house in suburbs with a yard and a cat. She could be an environmentalist… no, a super heroine, who often flew off, literally, to save the world.
laugh I am loving this idea.

Her costume would be a blue shimmery bikini top with an attached gauzy skirt and shiny golden briefs. His eyes started to drift shut, behind his sunglasses, with images of her seducing him with a tray of cupcakes.
Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.

Lois: party party Clark is cured of his sugar aversion.

Reader:It might not last past his recovery of his memories.

John Pack Lambert