- Responce to John's FDK Comments - Cont.

Hmm, if Walt is that adverse to someone else driving Rachel home, maybe it is doubly good that Hank did not try to put the moves on her. Walt might not have been OK with that at all.
Hank wouldn’t have survived the ensuing fight with Rachel, if he had been so stupid. Lana probably wouldn’t have allowed it either. She might only think of herself, but most women cannot (I hope) ignore another woman screaming “no!”

As opposed to how he will interpret it when she tells him her date spent a long time having relations with another women?
Heresay. He’s only worried about appearances. Anyway, if she tells that story, he’d probably come up with a worse one about what Rachel had done. (lies, of course).

This is probably the real source of the accident. Walt was enraged that anyone liked Thomas more than him, and the rage prevented him from driving correctly.
Seems like a plausible explanation.

It has been several hours since Hank last drunk anything. Would he still have beer on his breath. Sounds like a fake excuse to me.
Trust me, when someone has been drinking to the point of drunkedness, they don’t sober up THAT quickly and they can stink to high-heaven until they shower and brush their teeth.

So the Harris's have been accusing Walt without evidence.
[Linked Image]

Did Lana accuse Hank of telling Jerome about the biological parantage of their oldest child?
Nah. She was there for the full conversation.

I think you have against too many times in that sentance.

So much for the cover story of Jerome and Lois being married. Although I guess if Hank asks about this, there are two possible claims.

Lois:I could say I am really good friends with Jerome's mother, and so refer to her as my mother as well.

Clark:Or you could claim that your maiden name just happened to be Lane, as well as your married name.

Lois: Or, I could just point out that you changed your last name to mine. That is the most truthful anyway.
Or Hank could just discount anything Lois says for these first few minutes because she just hit her head.

Of course, that was what, nine years ago. Maybe Thomas has become a gun afficionado since then.

So Hank went from one ultimatum giving friend (Walt) to a new one (Lana).
Lana owes him one for marrying her. Somehow Hank finds it easier to manueuver around Lana’s ultimatums.

Lois survived the explosion. I am glad you told us this part before Clark seeing it and thinking Lois must be dead.
But later you suggest that I should move this part back until after Clark hears the explosion. Hmmmm. I’ll continue to think about this.

Clark:There goes my peace and quiet. If I am going to suffer from Kryptonite poisoning, I was hoping I wouldn't suffer from having to listen to the mad man rave as well.
huh Maybe. No one knows for sure. Would he get more raditation from a larger chunk? Or the same amount? It’s debatable, which is why Clark doesn’t know (nor wants to test this theory).

Martha has gotten it away. Clark just might live.
I already have a dead Clark in this story, I don’t need two, but that doesn’t mean I won’t torture him a bit or push him to the edge every once and a while.

Yes, Clark's chances of surviving went up even more.
See, he’ll be fine. Kind of, sort of, not really.

Good old Lois, worrying about her briefcase when she has nearly been killed.
Always good to hear that I got my characterization down.

Does Hank want to get smacked? I can not see Lois taking kindly to being called "missy".
Hank calling her ‘Missy’ is low down on her pet peeves at the moment. If all this other stuff wasn’t going on, yea, it would be a fair assumption that someone should tell Hank to cover his privates.

Clark: Well, at least she is using a name within the established set of the cover. We did tell Hank that my name was Charles Jerome Lane.
LOIS: See, I can think even with a head injury.

Thomas is avoiding revealing to Lois that Clark is being hurt by the "glow".
That’s because it’s a strange injury.

Although I am not sure this description is helping at all.

Sounds like she is suffering from shock, not even realizing she is bleeding. Of course when Luthor shot her it took her a while to realize she was hit.
According to my medical source it’s possible to be shot without realizing it. Remember Forrest Gump got shot several times in the backside and thought he’d only been bitten by bugs.

Clark: Because they are serious and need to be trated.
LOIS: Clark, you worry too much.

CLARK: I worry because I care.
LOIS: Save it for someone who believes that stuff.

Clark: <dance> she finally used my disguse name.
She remembers the cover and Clark dances?

If it was not for bad news, newspapers would be extinct.
Hence the addenum of “face to face”.

It was not until reading further that I figured out that was where his parents had died. You probably told us, but I had forgotten.
Yes, a while back. When Clark was first thinking about why he doesn’t like sweets, I mention that the Kents hit the tree at the base of the driveway, swerving to miss a deer and fawn.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.