Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 12:16 AM
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

So... um... Comments? laugh
Posted By: Christina Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 09:18 AM
, the paved road suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Yes!” she said, slamming on the brakes to stop and knocking herself into the steering wheel. “That was stupid, there, Lane,” she muttered to herself and pulled on her seatbelt, rubbing her sore chest.

Good thing she took a moment to do that, and then look both ways, because one of Bureau 39’s other trucks came barreling past.
Well that was close.

he truck skidded and slid, crashing into the huge oak tree down at the base of the driveway.
Aaaand I'm hoping she didn't hit it too hard. Older vehicles weren't usually suited to crash as some newer ones today.

“How in the hell did you ever get elected?” Jimmy asked. “You must be the most selfish self-important lawman I’ve ever seen, and I’m from Metropolis.”

“Shut up,” the sheriff growled.

Darlene was having some kind of coughing fit on the other end of the radio
Sounds like things are beginning to unravel in Smallville for this little sheriff. I have to hope Hank ends up taking his place if so. Something tells me that Lana still gravitates towards the heroic type.

Out of nowhere, Hank heard the screech of tires and sound of crunching metal and breaking glass, pulling him out of his thoughts. He pressed down on his gas pedal, speeding up his truck. He saw an army truck wrapped around the big oak tree at the base of the Kents’ driveway.

Pulling into the driveway, he parked a safe distance away from the accident. Sitting in the front seat of the truck was that reporter lady, her head against resting against the steering wheel. Her door was smashed against the tree. He could smell the telltale scent of gasoline and knew that he didn’t have much time. Running around to the passenger door, Hank jumped inside. He took out his pocketknife and cut through the seatbelt holding her in her seat, hooked his arm under hers and pulled her from the truck.
*said VERY quietly* Oh no...

When he got there, the truck behind him exploded into a fireball. So much for the old oak tree.
I guess it could have been worse. Still, she's going to have some major injuries to add to her "battle scars."

“He’s not Clark Kent!” roared Trask, slamming his fist into the sheriff’s nose and grabbing the sheriff’s pistol from his holster. “He’s Superman!”

“Lois!” Clark screamed, pushing her to the ground. “Get down!”

Trask’s gun exploded once and then twice.
Oh no. I suspect it's not Lois but it's likely the Sheriff and Clark. *shudders.*

thud thud thud thud thud
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 07:58 PM
Lois weaved and bobbed down one access road after another. Was she going around in circles?
Clark:Well, I just hope she does not circle back to where she started.

Why wasn’t she there yet?
Positive Reader: Time and distance both seem larger when you are running away.

Negative Reader: No, she is going in circles.

She hadn’t had time to pull on even her seatbelt, afraid that they would start shooting at her or the tires of the truck.
Fortunantly Trask's underlings were not as crazy as they could be.

The Bureau 39 soldiers didn’t follow her for some reason,
They arn't paid enough to go on suicide missions.

or maybe they had, but she lost them in her roundabout way of getting herself lost.
Clark:Well, as long as you are not in direct danger I like it.

She ducked at the last second so they couldn’t see that a woman was driving in case they were looking for her.
Soldier 1:Isn't that one of our trucks back there, shouldn't we check it out.

Soldier 2:I did. No one in it. ust have been placed to block access or something. Come on we need to find the Avian's whore before she gets away.

The truck skidded and slid, crashing into the huge oak tree down at the base of the driveway.
NR:So much for Lois.

PR:Virginia promised not to kill this Lois. She is going to survive. She has to.
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 08:37 PM
Leaving after those last two lines was evil razz

Don't leave us hanging too long!

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 08:48 PM
The radio in the patrol car crackled. “Sheriff, we’ve got a report of a shooting over at the Kent Farm. Proceed with caution.”
Max hears "go slow, very slow".

Jimmy’s eyes widened. Were they too late?
Well, Jimmy has reason to believe 4 people are there. It sounds like one or two have been shot. They still can intervene some.

Probably, with the speed this idiot was going.
Jimmy:What is he going to do when he gets "proceed with caution", start going at the posted minimum speed? Oh wait, these are country roads, ain't any such thing.

Or had that Hank guy arrived to kick some butt already?
We can only hope.

The sheriff picked up the CB and answered, “On my way. Send Jacobs over as well. We need to arrest Hank Jessup for interfering in a police investigation.”
But he started the police investigation. Shouldn't he get some reward for that? OK, I know that is not how Max works, but it would be the logical thing to do.

“There wouldn’t be a police investigation without Hank,” mumbled Jimmy from the back seat.
Well, could Max just ignore Thomas' call for help?

“Negative on the copter, Darlene. You know they’ll charge us if it isn’t medically necessary. Let’s let me check out things first,” Sheriff Harris responded.
Wayne: help who let this guy become sherriff anyway? I am lbeeding to death here.

[Quote“That’s Sheriff Harris to you, Darlene,[/Quote]

Thomas: Just be glad she did not call you darling.

unless you want to go back to slinging hash for Maisie,” roared Sheriff Harris.
Darlene: Nah, most days are OK. If we have another day like today, I am not so sure though.

“How in the hell did you ever get elected?” Jimmy asked. “You must be the most selfish self-important lawman I’ve ever seen, and I’m from Metropolis.”
Was he elected, or did he just take over the duties for his incapacitated father?

“Darlene, with our luck Irig will already be dead before we arrive, and we’ll still be stuck with the bill,” grumbled the sheriff.
Clark: Nah, Max, you can not get rid of your enemies that easily.

“You do realize that everything you’re saying is in the presence of a reporter, don’t you?” Jimmy taunted with his own form of Miranda rights.
Max: Lie I care. No one around here excpet the Kents read the Daily Planet and they won't support me whatever you say, so I have nothing to fear from you.

He would ask CK about writing up an article for the Smallville paper about this dude and his lack of respect for the citizens of his county.
Of course this is assuming the free press has survived the reign of terror of Max at all.

“Don’t threaten me, city boy. Anyway, nobody will believe you. We protect our own around here,” replied the sheriff.

“Could’ve fooled me,” Jimmy mumbled under his breath.
hyper Lois survived the explosion. I am glad you told us this part before Clark seeing it and thinking Lois must be dead.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 09:03 PM
Wow, you're cushion is really diminishing. You should really get on that writing =P
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 09:06 PM
causing the bullet to hit Martha’s spade rather than Martha herself.
smile1 Martha didn't get hit.

Trask shifted the Kryptonite into the same hand as his pistol and, with some difficulty, finally pulled the rag from his mouth.
Clark:There goes my peace and quiet. If I am going to suffer from Kryptonite poisoning, I was hoping I wouldn't suffer from having to listen to the mad man rave as well.

Trask set the Krypto-rock down mere inches away from Jerome’s face. “No, you’re wrong.”
Not a very eloquent retort there, Trask. It tells us something that Clark in near-death pain is just as eloquent as Trask in near perfect health.

Jerome was still young and in love.
As opposed to M&J who are old and in love.

Jonathan didn’t want to his wife on that mission,
This line does not make sense to me. I am thinking there is some type of typo, but I am not sure what it is. You may have ment to put "send" between to and his, but I am not totally sure.

but they had to do something, and she was the only mobile person left on their team.
Wayne: Hopefully you guys have backups somewhere, otherwise we are doomed.

Jonathan: Well, Thomas was somewhere near here. I am not sure where though.

Trask picked up and moved the piece of meteorite to the center of Jerome’s back, and the man screamed out in pain as if the rock burned him even through his clothing.
So did Trask place the rock on Clark's clothing. This is bad, very bad.

“Maybe with this treatment you’ll end up a cripple, like dear ol’ dad,” he said, waving his gun around and stopping it when it pointed at them.
Clark: If only I could convince Trask that he was right in this view, and that it would be more of a victory to make SM a criple than to kill him outright.

“If you survive, which you won’t. I’ll make sure of that.”
Clark: Yeap, not an out yet.

“Are you telling me that these people risked their lives for you out of the goodness of their hearts?” Trask scoffed,
Martha: Yes, it is called human kindness, something you, Trask, lack.

Jonathan kept an eye on the small green stone, no bigger than half a hotdog, biding his time until Trask could be distracted enough.
Is there actually a relationship between the size of the Kryptonite and how much it hurts SM?

Martha bent down to inspect Wayne’s wound, taking a moment to palm the green stone,
smile1 Martha has gotten it away. Clark just might live.

Jonathan pointed at the tackle box and Martha nodded, quickly crossing to it and locking the offending rock inside.
Yes, Clark's chances of surviving went up even more.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 09:46 PM
“My briefcase!” Lois gasped,
Good old Lois, worrying about her briefcase when she has nearly been killed.

“Hold your horses, missy.
Does Hank want to get smacked? I can not see Lois taking kindly to being called "missy".

“Where’s Chuck?”
Clark: Well, at least she is using a name within the established set of the cover. We did tell Hank that my name was Charles Jerome Lane.

“Jerome’s...” He paused and glanced over his shoulder towards the barn, which they couldn’t see from their location. “— hurt.”
hyper Thomas is avoiding revealing to Lois that Clark is being hurt by the "glow".

“No. No, I don’t think so,” Thomas said vaguely. “I saw him from the upstairs window. He kind of collapsed.”
Although I am not sure this description is helping at all.

“You’re bleeding, Lois,” Thomas said, pointing to her head.
Sounds like she is suffering from shock, not even realizing she is bleeding. Of course when Luthor shot her it took her a while to realize she was hit.

“I’m fine. Head wounds bleed a lot.
Clark: Because they are serious and need to be trated.

Take me to Jerome.”
Clark: hyper Lois is alive.

PR: She called you Clark too. hyper Now he will stop believing everyone he loves will die.

At first I wondered if this was a sign that Lois is still mad at him and refusing to call him Clark. However, since Chuck is also here endearment name for him, and not just her angry name for him, I doubt she is remembering that much at this moment.

“Halt!” Sheriff Harris called to him again, but Clark could only focus on Lois and getting to her.
I am surprised that Max has not shot Clark already.

“I held them for questioning,” Trask clarified. “National security issue. You understand, don’t you?”
What about the shooting part?

“Trask is also wanted for the murder in Metropolis of a federal employee, an ombudsman by the name of George Thompson,” Lois called over to the sheriff,
Now that is somethingeven Max won't be able to ignore.

before taking the last few steps into Clark’s embrace. She wrapped her arms around Clark and pulled him close. “You’re alive.”
dance dance dance Clark and Lois embrace.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 10/30/12 09:47 PM
I had too many smiles, so here is more FDK.

It had been a long painful day for Clark, but he felt it was worth it, if it meant he was able to hold Lois again. He rested his head against hers. “The explosion,” he murmured. “I thought you…” His voice faltered and broke. No, he hadn’t accepted her death as final. He was never so glad to be wrong. He pulled her tighter against his chest.
smile1 smile1 Lois is sticking up for Clark.

“He’s not Clark Kent!” roared Trask, slamming his fist into the sheriff’s nose and grabbing the sheriff’s pistol from his holster. “He’s Superman!”
Lois:Trask is clearly crazy. If he is Superman, why is he all beat up.

“Lois!” Clark screamed, pushing her to the ground. “Get down!”

Trask’s gun exploded once and then twice
Well, this time it is 100% clear that it is Clark Kent and not Superman that saved Lois' life.

I was beginning to fear that Trask would live. Now, I am not sure what will happen. I am afraid we will move our above canon death count to something larger than 2.

So where are Hank and Jimmy at this moment?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/01/12 09:44 AM
Christina: Thanks for the long FDK! smile1

Well that was close.
That was foreshadowing.

Aaaand I'm hoping she didn't hit it too hard. Older vehicles weren't usually suited to crash as some newer ones today.
[Linked Image] /Psst. Lois has a hard head in more ways than one./

Sounds like things are beginning to unravel in Smallville for this little sheriff. I have to hope Hank ends up taking his place if so. Something tells me that Lana still gravitates towards the heroic type.

LANA: Mind you, I don't do it on purpose.

I guess it could have been worse. Still, she's going to have some major injuries to add to her "battle scars."
LOIS: Injuries. Pah! This is nothing. "Bruise" is my middle name. <i.e. Please, don't take me back to the hospital! I'll heal on my own, thank you very much!>

Oh no. I suspect it's not Lois but it's likely the Sheriff and Clark. *shudders.*

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> EVIL CLIFFY! EVIL CLIFFY!
peep It's a real cliffy. laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/01/12 09:46 AM
Originally posted by scifiJoan:
Leaving after those last two lines was evil razz

Don't leave us hanging too long!

Er... um... Well, I've had a really busy week and I haven't had much time to write and... well, I thought I'd leave you guys hanging until the weekend, when I'll post 58. laugh Oh, look, got to go! [Linked Image]
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/01/12 09:50 AM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
Wow, you're cushion is really diminishing. You should really get on that writing =P
See above note to Joan. I've only have a few minutes to write today, none tomorrow, whinging I'll still try to post at least twice a week (but no more 3 times a week until I catch up somewhat).
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/01/12 09:56 AM
John: Wow! Thanks for the long and terrific FDK and for catching all those errors. blush I'll respond in more detail later, when I have more time. I would like to spend part of my free time to actually writing today as I don't much free time. My Betas are chomping on the bit for me to send them 65 and I'm only 10 pages into it.

Maybe I'll switch around those Hank and Clark scenes a bit for the Archive version. Thanks for the suggestion.

So where are Hank and Jimmy at this moment?
Hank is somewhere between his truck and the barn (where all this action is taking place). Jimmy is still under arrest and in the back of the sheriff's patrol car.
Posted By: Sydney Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/01/12 12:54 PM
Hi Virginia,

Lana had always cared about one person and one person only: Lana Lang.
In every dimension!

Why had he been friends with Walt again?
Good question!

Max Harris jumped out the car and aimed his gun at Clark. “You, there, with the glasses. Hands up!”

Sheriff Harris raised a brow at Trask, and sighed. “Wanted for murder? Shooting one of my constituents? I’m afraid I’m going to have to take you in for questioning, sir. I’m sure it’s some great big misunderstanding that we’ll clear up in no time.” He opened a pouch on his holster, and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.
Handcuffs? For Trask? Or for Clark?

He tapped his handcuffs against his palm. “You’re under arrest for the assault of Colonel Trask there. I saw you punching him when I pulled up. Plus, you had wrapped him in that metal bar.”
For Clark! With a sheriff like Max, it's not very surprising.

“He’s not Clark Kent!” roared Trask, slamming his fist into the sheriff’s nose and grabbing the sheriff’s pistol from his holster. “He’s Superman!”

“Lois!” Clark screamed, pushing her to the ground. “Get down!”

Trask’s gun exploded once and then twice.
You're EVIL! You CANNOT stop here! wave
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/03/12 12:09 AM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Sydney:
<strong> You're EVIL! You CANNOT stop here! wave

PS: Who, what, me, evil? evil I don't know. As far as cliffies go, that's a pretty good one, don't you think? peep
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/03/12 09:48 AM
A twice a week schedule is better than a total hiatus. Beyond that, it seems your buffer keeps getting smaller and smaller, so it is porbably better at least for now than the every three days posting schedule.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/03/12 10:18 AM
Was she going around in circles?
Always keep the mossy side of the tree to your left.

She hadn’t had time to pull on even her seatbelt,

The Bureau 39 soldiers didn’t follow her for some reason, or maybe they had, but she lost them in her roundabout way of getting herself lost.
They didn’t want to shoot their buddies sitting in the back of the truck and praying they haven’t just been kidnapped by a Metro-cab driver.

When she was just about to give up, the paved road suddenly appeared in front of her.
Hey, better than a cliff.

“Yes!” she said, slamming on the brakes to stop and knocking herself into the steering wheel.
[Linked Image]

“That was stupid, there, Lane,” she muttered to herself and pulled on her seatbelt,
[Linked Image]

rubbing her sore chest.
There was a crime TV series episode once where the chest area held telltale bruising after the accident, allowing the identification of the car’s driver. Anyhow, poor Jerome will have a heartattack when it gets to the consummation of the conjugal rights in the aftermath of this whole mess.

Good thing she took a moment to do that, and then look both ways, because one of Bureau 39’s other trucks came barreling past.
Yeah, can you imagine if she had pulled out and crashed right into them?

She was much better suited for Streets and Avenues.
clap Just like a street walker.

She forgot to push down the clutch, and the gears made a nasty grinding noise as she shifted.
Is B39 going to be able to sue for property damage?

Finally, she got everything where it was supposed to go
Ooooh! Just like when she tries to make out with Clark. It takes *forever* to get him to go where he’s supposed to go.

The truck skidded and slid, crashing into the huge oak tree down at the base of the driveway.
mecry He’s such a *failure*.

“Shut up,” the sheriff growled.
Isn’t that what a gun is for? He can always claim it when off when he hit a bump in the road. Like that one time during Pulp Fiction?

Thomas Irig said that his dad had been hit. That fits the bill for ‘medically necessary’.
No, it doesn’t. It’s an *Irig*.

I’ve already called the Medivac. They’re forty-five minutes out.”

“Darlene, with our luck Irig will already be dead before we arrive, and we’ll still be stuck with the bill,” grumbled the sheriff.
Wouldn’t that be only when they can prove that he was already almost dead by the time they called the copter?

“You do realize that everything you’re saying is in the presence of a reporter, don’t you?”
Good going there, James. Hope you like leaded beans.

He would ask CK about writing up an article for the Smallville paper about this dude and his lack of respect for the citizens of his county.

“Don’t threaten me, city boy. Anyway, nobody will believe you. We protect our own around here,” replied the sheriff.
Eeeeehhh… Against obnoxious city folk, maybe. But not stuff printed in the Smallville paper. Also, maybe Darlene got a recorder running, too.

“I’m going the speed limit,” replied the sheriff. “I need to set an example for the rest of Smallville.”
[Linked Image]

“What example? That their lives aren’t important to the sheriff?
[Linked Image]

A loud explosion with a fireball was visible in the distance.
shock The barn?

Even this moron couldn’t ignore that danger.
MAX: Sounds like a war is going on. Best turn around and call in ATF.

Lana had always cared about one person and one person only: Lana Lang.
LANA in bed: Oh nooooo! You’re not done yet, Hank. Get right back here and finish things.

Sadly, when she did the same thing with Walt, things got ugly and she didn’t win Homecoming Queen that year.

and so she had come to him for “comfort” shortly after Walt died,
shock *cough* whore *cough*.

probably the day she discovered or suspected she was pregnant.
Well, certainly not before then. Also, /points to above/

Hank had done the right thing and asked her to marry him, when she told him that she was pregnant a month later.
Ooooh! She *is* a good schemer.

He had actually been slightly surprised that she said ‘yes’ so quickly, as if she had expected him to ask.
YOUNG HANK: [Linked Image]

Firstly, her parents had told her that she couldn’t see Walt Irig any longer.
To pick up from John’s remarks: They probably found her bottom’s imprint on the freshly waxed kitchen table.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/03/12 10:20 AM
He was Walt’s best friend, and even he didn’t like Walt much.
confused Why was he his friend again, then?

Walt had come to him later to tell Hank that if he laid one finger on his girlfriend on Prom night or otherwise, Hank wouldn’t live to tell the tale.
So, if Hank had done it with the hands tied behind his back, that would have been fine?

People didn’t touch Walt’s stuff without permission.
Ooooh! Walt could have made a killing by renting Lana out to the other guys in school.

You can have Rachel. Do what you want with her.
[Linked Image]

Apparently, Walt, in his typical fashion, had brought Rachel to the gorge after the dance without her permission.
Why did Rachel go with Walt again? She was still into bad boys back then? Walt a lot like her big brother?

They could hear Lana and Walt out in the woods doing ‘it’.
Oh boy. Yummy. :rolleyes:

If Rachel hadn’t been in eveningwear and heels, she would have walked back to town. It had been a fun night for all.
Well, Lana sure appeared to enjoy herself.

“You’re stinking drunk, Hank. Give me the keys. I’ll drive,” Rachel said, holding out her hand.

“You kiss Rachel Harris, Walt, and you’ll never get to touch this again,”
WALT: So, just a roll in the hay, then, without kissing?

Lana didn’t have to worry. By the look on Rachel’s face, she wanted a kiss from Walt as much as an extra hole in her head.
LOIS: That’s what the taser in my purse is for.

Walt had stuck his tongue down Lana’s throat one more time and, for good measure, a finger down the top of her dress. “I’ll be right back, baby.”
He appears to be a very cultured young redneck.

Hank had never told Lana, but Walt had cheated on her, so it was possible.
clap CLARK: clap

she swore she’d disembowel that crazy ex-military man herself.
Good thing she just got those nail extensions Cat raved about. They where the latest hit in Gotham. Two inches. Stainless steel. Razorsharp edge.

“What did you do, Mrs. Kent?” Trask growled, shifting his aim onto her. “Blood traitor!”
I’m not so sure Trask shares the same genome as the rest of the sane population of Earth. He appears to be more of a crossbreed with a donkey.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/03/12 10:22 AM
He knew the location of the explosion with an intimate familiarity. It had haunted his nightmares these last twenty years. His heart froze. “Lois?”
Ooooooh! wave Michael

PS: *G*
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/04/12 11:55 PM
John: Sorry about the delay in answering FDK. It's been a crazy week RL wise. I'll catch up a little tonight, but I'd like to get some writing done too.

Clark:Well, I just hope she does not circle back to where she started.
clap That would've been funny.

Positive Reader: Time and distance both seem larger when you are running away.

Negative Reader: No, she is going in circles.
Combination of both?

Fortunantly Trask's underlings were not as crazy as they could be.
Or competent.

They arn't paid enough to go on suicide missions.
clap Er… yeah. And everyone wonders why Clark doesn’t talk about his past.

<Commenter needed to find his eyes and put them back inside his head> Did Lois die?
Not the last time I looked, but then again… this is Lois.

This seems to be true in all universes.
The outside world may affect the change in universe, but who the person really is, doesn’t change.

So he does know who Barbie's biological father is.
[Linked Image]

So she did not tell him, and evidently tried her best to make him think said child was his.
LANA: It *could* have been his.

Clark: Maybe this Lana is worse than the one from my universe. Notice I made sure to not imply any direct connection to any Lan.
Yes, he doesn’t like to this of his dimension’s Lana as “his Lana”.

Had they caught them going too far and decided they did not want a grandchild any time soon, or was there some other reason they disliked Walt? Oh, I guess he is just the son of a farmer, with no real prospects.
Hank is also comes from farming family. They didn’t like Walt a) farmer, b) jerk, and c) how he treated their daughter.

No wonder the Harris campaign agaisnt the Irigs worked.
Walt was universally disliked, the Irig family was not.

Walt does sound like a Neanderthal. Does he treat all women as objects?
WALT: Well, Rachel was no Lana.

Good thing Hank has much more progressive attitudes towards woman than does Walt. Otherwise there might have been more people die that night.
RACHEL: I wished I had just walked. What’s the worst that would have happened? Blisters?

I wonder if this is "over her objections" or just without telling her. My guess is the later, at least until Rachel was able to figure out where exactly they were headed in the dark.

Rachel:You weresupposed to turn left of Millerman Road to get to my house.

Walt: We arn't going to your house right now.

Rachel:I am not going to give you a kiss.

Walt:That's OK. I am going to kiss Lana. Hank might kiss you if you are lucky.

Rachel:Over my dead body.
It was probably more of:

WALT: Hey, Rachel, let’s leave prom. It’s boring. I know of a party.

RACHEL: I don’t know. I told my folks we were going to the Prom, not to any parties.

WALT: Hey, live a little. It’s just a party. It’s not like I’m going to keep you out all night. We’ll just stop by. If it isn’t your style, I’ll take you home.


WALT: Come on! It’ll be fun!

What? You expect Walt to be honest?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 12:00 AM
- Responce to John's FDK Comments - Cont.

Hmm, if Walt is that adverse to someone else driving Rachel home, maybe it is doubly good that Hank did not try to put the moves on her. Walt might not have been OK with that at all.
Hank wouldn’t have survived the ensuing fight with Rachel, if he had been so stupid. Lana probably wouldn’t have allowed it either. She might only think of herself, but most women cannot (I hope) ignore another woman screaming “no!”

As opposed to how he will interpret it when she tells him her date spent a long time having relations with another women?
Heresay. He’s only worried about appearances. Anyway, if she tells that story, he’d probably come up with a worse one about what Rachel had done. (lies, of course).

This is probably the real source of the accident. Walt was enraged that anyone liked Thomas more than him, and the rage prevented him from driving correctly.
Seems like a plausible explanation.

It has been several hours since Hank last drunk anything. Would he still have beer on his breath. Sounds like a fake excuse to me.
Trust me, when someone has been drinking to the point of drunkedness, they don’t sober up THAT quickly and they can stink to high-heaven until they shower and brush their teeth.

So the Harris's have been accusing Walt without evidence.
[Linked Image]

Did Lana accuse Hank of telling Jerome about the biological parantage of their oldest child?
Nah. She was there for the full conversation.

I think you have against too many times in that sentance.

So much for the cover story of Jerome and Lois being married. Although I guess if Hank asks about this, there are two possible claims.

Lois:I could say I am really good friends with Jerome's mother, and so refer to her as my mother as well.

Clark:Or you could claim that your maiden name just happened to be Lane, as well as your married name.

Lois: Or, I could just point out that you changed your last name to mine. That is the most truthful anyway.
Or Hank could just discount anything Lois says for these first few minutes because she just hit her head.

Of course, that was what, nine years ago. Maybe Thomas has become a gun afficionado since then.

So Hank went from one ultimatum giving friend (Walt) to a new one (Lana).
Lana owes him one for marrying her. Somehow Hank finds it easier to manueuver around Lana’s ultimatums.

Lois survived the explosion. I am glad you told us this part before Clark seeing it and thinking Lois must be dead.
But later you suggest that I should move this part back until after Clark hears the explosion. Hmmmm. I’ll continue to think about this.

Clark:There goes my peace and quiet. If I am going to suffer from Kryptonite poisoning, I was hoping I wouldn't suffer from having to listen to the mad man rave as well.
huh Maybe. No one knows for sure. Would he get more raditation from a larger chunk? Or the same amount? It’s debatable, which is why Clark doesn’t know (nor wants to test this theory).

Martha has gotten it away. Clark just might live.
I already have a dead Clark in this story, I don’t need two, but that doesn’t mean I won’t torture him a bit or push him to the edge every once and a while.

Yes, Clark's chances of surviving went up even more.
See, he’ll be fine. Kind of, sort of, not really.

Good old Lois, worrying about her briefcase when she has nearly been killed.
Always good to hear that I got my characterization down.

Does Hank want to get smacked? I can not see Lois taking kindly to being called "missy".
Hank calling her ‘Missy’ is low down on her pet peeves at the moment. If all this other stuff wasn’t going on, yea, it would be a fair assumption that someone should tell Hank to cover his privates.

Clark: Well, at least she is using a name within the established set of the cover. We did tell Hank that my name was Charles Jerome Lane.
LOIS: See, I can think even with a head injury.

Thomas is avoiding revealing to Lois that Clark is being hurt by the "glow".
That’s because it’s a strange injury.

Although I am not sure this description is helping at all.

Sounds like she is suffering from shock, not even realizing she is bleeding. Of course when Luthor shot her it took her a while to realize she was hit.
According to my medical source it’s possible to be shot without realizing it. Remember Forrest Gump got shot several times in the backside and thought he’d only been bitten by bugs.

Clark: Because they are serious and need to be trated.
LOIS: Clark, you worry too much.

CLARK: I worry because I care.
LOIS: Save it for someone who believes that stuff.

Clark: <dance> she finally used my disguse name.
She remembers the cover and Clark dances?

If it was not for bad news, newspapers would be extinct.
Hence the addenum of “face to face”.

It was not until reading further that I figured out that was where his parents had died. You probably told us, but I had forgotten.
Yes, a while back. When Clark was first thinking about why he doesn’t like sweets, I mention that the Kents hit the tree at the base of the driveway, swerving to miss a deer and fawn.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 12:06 AM
- Responce to John's FDK Comments - Part 3

I am so glad you did not put this line before telling us Hank got her out. I am also a little surprised you did not put the Hank getting her out part after this.
Actually, this part wasn’t supposed to have a cliffy AT ALL. laugh But then I rewrote the end of this scene which pushed it longer, so I figured… “That’s a good spot”. clap Pretty Much.

<At John’s dance party> Lois is not angry about this. Things are looking up.
LOIS: I do have other emotions besides anger. I just choose not to use them.

Clark: How am I going to tell her who I really am.

PR:Hmm, you could lead with "I come from a different dimension".

Clark: Unless I can show her that I am SM, she will send me to Dr. Carlin.

PR:This is a tough one.
[Linked Image] I’m sure that Lois would have a psychic feeling that Dr. Carlin wouldn’t be the right doctor for Clark. wink

Considering that Max has accepted that Mr. Irig was shot, he is just being a jerk at this point.
Mr. Irig was shot. Was does that have to do with Clark beating up Trask? True, Trask hasn’t pressed any charges… You’re right. Max is a jerk.

Lois is sticking up for Clark.
Clark is still technically her partner.

Lois:Trask is clearly crazy. If he is Superman, why is he all beat up.
[Linked Image]

Well, this time it is 100% clear that it is Clark Kent and not Superman that saved Lois' life.
LOIS: What? You think I have a “being rescued” fetish or something?

I was beginning to fear that Trask would live. Now, I am not sure what will happen. I am afraid we will move our above canon death count to something larger than 2
cool I promised a lower body count than in “Another Lois” for this story, since we’ve got a living, breathing Clark now.

A twice a week schedule is better than a total hiatus. Beyond that, it seems your buffer keeps getting smaller and smaller, so it is porbably better at least for now than the every three days posting schedule.
It saves me one posting every few weeks, but otherwise is the same number of postings as the every third day route.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 12:10 AM
Sydney: wave See, I came back. laugh

Lana had always cared about one person and one person only: Lana Lang.
In every dimension!
Pretty much.

Handcuffs? For Trask? Or for Clark?
Clark. Trask is a colonal in the military after all.

For Clark! With a sheriff like Max, it's not very surprising.
I don't know. You seemed surprised. wink

You're EVIL! You CANNOT stop here! wildguy wildguy
Actually... cool
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 12:11 AM
Michael: I haven't forgotten about you or your FDK. I'll try to get to it tomorrow. My yawns are overtaking me and I have to get up early tomorrow... Monday, again! Why do they keep putting those at the beginning of the week, I'll never know. wave
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 02:08 PM
wave /makes note to do future FDKs concise and and to the point, without any senseless rambling, so as not to overtax dear writer/
Monday, again! Why do they keep putting those at the beginning of the week, I'll never know.
Because people griped about them when they used to be before the weekend. Ruined the whole thing on a regular basis.

wave Michael

PS: It's just a lucky coincidence that I'm up to date with WC right now.

PPS: /Diligently files note in circular storage bin./
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 05:46 PM
Michael: Let's see how much I can catch up before people notice, I'm not really helping my daughter with her homework. [Linked Image]

Always keep the mossy side of the tree to your left.
You know, they always say that, but having grown up in a rain forest, often trees have moss all around them.

They didn’t want to shoot their buddies sitting in the back of the truck
Trask will be happy to hear that they're loyal.

and praying they haven’t just been kidnapped by a Metro-cab driver.
How Lois really made her way through Met U.

Hey, better than a cliff.
CLARK: hyper Yes, sign me up for as a season passholder. What? A life-time pass? Yippie!

To pick up from John’s remarks: They probably found her bottom’s imprint on the freshly waxed kitchen table.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 06:08 PM
Jimmy:What is he going to do when he gets "proceed with caution", start going at the posted minimum speed? Oh wait, these are country roads, ain't any such thing.
Paved roads have posted speed limit signs and even a few unpaved ones do.
Those are posted maximum speeds. Posted minimum speeds generally appear on freeways. They are lower in Iowa than in Illinois, apparently to accomade tractors going on the freeway, or at least that is my theory. A standard freeway in Michigan has 70 mph maximum, 45 mph minimum.

There was a reason for going through official channels. Plus, aren’t all 9-1-1 calls recorded?
I am not sure that would be th case in rural areas.

His father had a heart attack and Max took over as “Sheriff” because of that.
So when he runs in the next election he will run as "Your Lawrence County Sherrif" and strategically avoid "re-elect" in his campaign, like my local sherriff (who I hope gets ousted in the election tomorrow, but I am not holding my breath, for some reason lots of people around here like our arrogant county exec, who I refer to as "the king" since he essentially came to power through taking his fathers postion, and he supports the Sherriff, oh well, I can hope for change)

Isn’t it strange then that Joan over at the Smallville Market said that the Daily Planet had sold out the day that the first Superman article hit the front page.
Max: I said no one else reads the Daily Planet. Those others just buy it to look at the pictures. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Clark: Hmm, maybe we should cover more Smallville news in the DP, so we get even more Smallville readers.

Lois: You do that Chuck, and leave the Superman in Metropolis stories to me.

clap Er… yeah. And everyone wonders why Clark doesn’t talk about his past.
Lois: I don't. I am sure it is because he stole someone else's identity and has not worked out his full cover story.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 06:34 PM
- Responce to Micahel's FDK cont. -

So, if Hank had done it with the hands tied behind his back, that would have been fine?
HANK: I never would have done such a thing.

Ooooh! Walt could have made a killing by renting Lana out to the other guys in school.
YOUNG WALT: [Linked Image]

Why did Rachel go with Walt again? She was still into bad boys back then? Walt a lot like her big brother?
She didn't really know him. He was popular (why? a mystery of life) and he asked her.

Oh boy. Yummy.
HANK: It wasn't soooo bad.

RACHEL: [Linked Image]

Well, Lana sure appeared to enjoy herself.
LANA: I've had better.

Umm… Walt?
RACHEL: [Linked Image]

WALT: So, just a roll in the hay, then, without kissing?
LANA: [Linked Image]

RACHEL: [Linked Image]

LOIS: That’s what the taser in my purse is for.

He appears to be a very cultured young redneck.
WALT: What? Did I do something wrong?

<Really? shock?> Also, wouldn’t that be a fun idea, to have more little redheads running around town?
Maybe around Lawrence and the other outlying towns.

When did they first start with paternity tests back in the day?
Well, this was the mid-80s and there was a movie back in the early 80s with Burt Reynolds called “Paternity” (I think I was one of the only people who actually saw this movie), so I’m going to guess “yes”. Although, if you watch the “Tudors” paternity is determined on how much your child is a healthy boy.

Also, what would Walt have done for support? Started agricultural business with weed as the main line of product and rob liquor stores in the evenings?
WALT: Sounds good to me. laugh

*Mrs.* Lane? My my, he *is* quite old fashioned.
HANK: I’m being polite.

<ER confused> Why would he think of her as Mrs but call her Ms?
Because even though in his mind he’s old fashioned he lives with a modern woman who hates to be called “Mrs.”

HANK: Oh, great. So Lana was right after all. *All* women share that prickly attitude.
HANK: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Aren’t all beautiful women like this?

Yeah, where does he think the steak’s coming from?
THOMAS: Smallville Market?

Wouldn’t Jonathan consistently call Jerome ‘Jerome’ instead of alternating?
Thanks. [Linked Image] He was supposed to. (And does again now). When I was writing ML, I almost posted a part from Jimmy’s point of view where he referred to Clark as “Clark” instead of CK. Believe it not, I do make mistakes.

Oh dear. Wouldn’t it be ironic when the sole fatality of the day would be Jonathan dying of a severe cardiac event?
MARTHA: No! Not ‘Ironic’ in the least.
CLARK: I’m going to have to side with my new-dimensional mom on this one.
EW: Great idea! <Although, I believe I’ve tortured Jonathan enough already>
Still, that’s why you also, *always* break the thumbs and index fingers on both hands of your bound captives.
CLARK: So you’re saying, since I’m not wearing the suit, I don’t *have* to follow Superman’s credo?

he really should have gotten those sideguns for his wheelchair, huh?
MARTHA: They’re on order for Christmas.

Oh boy. Also, his love is doomed, so…
CLARK: Just rub it in, why don’t you?

Actually, the really small bits are a lot more fun. You can introduce them into his digestive system and then his blood stream. Now, *that’s* where the real fun begins.
TRASK: <taking notes> Really?

He really doesn’t know her, does he?
Um… no, they just met that afternoon.

Still mad, huh?
LOIS: Always mad! Anyway, “Chuck” is an acceptible uncover alias, right?

CLARK: You have to know which fights to pick with Lois.
PERRY: [Linked Image]
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/05/12 06:37 PM
- Responce to Micahel's FDK cont. -

/makes so-so gesture with hand/

Loitering. Defamation of character. And, after being faced with a gun, public urination.
clap That’s so clever! </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yes, I’ve found yet another way to torture Clark.

TRASK: <getting angry> Fight me! <starts yelling> I said, fight me! <Until he explodes>

ER: He makes for an adorable Rumpel. But I still prefer Robert Carlyle’s take.
I knew I had heard that line somewhere else before. blush On the other hand, what a convenient way to get rid of Trask.

Oh? Is that Lois’s problem?

Oooooh! Will he break Trask’s sternum?
No super strength.

And now Superman knows why it’s fun to hit those that annoy him.
Oh, dear. Now Clark will expose himself to Kryptonite to go beat up annoying people like Ralph.

Oh boy. Isn’t that going to be some kind of give away? Unless Trask shoots Max and Thomas shoots Trask.
Some give away that Clark is stronger than Max?

LOIS: Fine! He’s wanted for “questioning” in the death of George Thompson.

MAX: And why did you then only shoot him once?
MAX: Yeah, I’ve had days like that.

Also, Max is so going six feet under now.
For wanting to bring Trask in? Oh, dear.

Aaaahhhh! There’s the incompetent stooge we not love.
MAX: Sorry, I put on my hat and you couldn’t see my face while I was kissing Colonal Trask’s boots.

MAX: Yeah, right.
TRASK: Stupid rednecks.

<Michael in shock, because EW actually wrote a non-wolfe cliffy> Wait, no part 58? <ER threatens EW with withholding FDK until next part is posted>
Don’t cliffies feel better when the next part isn’t right there to read and have a chance to age? [Linked Image]

/makes note to do future FDKs concise and and to the point, without any senseless rambling, so as not to overtax dear writer/
What? What?! I didn’t see any rambling in your FDK.

Because people griped about them when they used to be before the weekend. Ruined the whole thing on a regular basis.

PS: It's just a lucky coincidence that I'm up to date with WC right now.
Not me. Beta’s keep knocking on my Inbox about Part 66.

PPS: /Diligently files note in circular storage bin./
Because you’re planning on getting behind again? Where’s the fun in that?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/07/12 12:53 PM
Let's see how much I can catch up before people notice, I'm not really helping my daughter with her homework.
You mean when her report card arrives at the end of the semester? wink

You know, they always say that, but having grown up in a rain forest, often trees have moss all around them.

How Lois really made her way through Met U.
[Linked Image] It was either that or Nascar. And Lois found the latter one boring. Plus, she needed to sharpen her people skills by interrogating her passengers. Even caught a corporate spy and two drug mules that way.

CLARK: <Dislikes idea of endangered Loises> Very funny, Michael.
Thank you. I thought so.

I think I saw that one, but in this particular story, Lois WASN'T wearing her seatbelt, so not seatbelt bruising. [Wink]
No, I think it was from the steering wheel actually.

quote: Just like a street walker.

LOIS: <Not a happy camper> Excuse Me?
What? I’m not the one who got sold for 1500 bucks to a billionaire for a night of unbridled passion.

Of course, they do have their own system of justice.
.5 caliber?

LOIS: I think I know who was spying on me earlier this year.

I believe they need two guys up front to do that Pulp Fiction move. One to drive and one to misfire the gun.
No, I think you could do it with one person, too. It’s just more entertaining if there’s more people involved.

JIMMY: What? There's lunch?
Oh, Jimmy…

Nah, [Wink] I couldn't see *any* friend of Maisie's doing any such thing.
/watches as Darlene switches tapes/

MAX: Nah, they're feds and all feds don't understand how things work in Smallville.
The sheriff, the preacher, and the judge are standing in a cornfield…

HANK: But I want to get that skank smell washed off as soon as possible.

quote: YOUNG HANK: <amazed at his own virility>

YOUNG HANK: You mean I get to go on Walt's roller coaster again?! [Hyper] Yes, sign me up for as a season passholder. What? A life-time pass? Yippie!

OLD HANK: [Linked Image] Maybe I can get a divorce, keep Barbie and the rest and marry that Lucy girl…

quote: Ooooh! Walt could have made a killing by renting Lana out to the other guys in school.

YOUNG WALT: <believes he just had this great idea>
LANA: [Linked Image]
CLARK: [Linked Image]
LANA: So, that’s why you’re sleeping on the couch?
LOIS: Did she just call me a hooker?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/07/12 12:54 PM
quote: Oh boy. Yummy.

HANK: It wasn't soooo bad.

RACHEL: <Feels unwell>
HANK: You mind if I go watch a bit?

WALT: What? Did I do something wrong?
Oh boy.

Although, if you watch the “Tudors” paternity is determined on how much your child is a healthy boy.
wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/07/12 04:17 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Those are posted maximum speeds. Posted minimum speeds generally appear on freeways.
[Linked Image] Am I allowed a "Duh" here?

I am not sure that would be th case in rural areas.
Maybe not officially. wink

So when he runs in the next election he will run as "Your Lawrence County Sherrif" and strategically avoid "re-elect" in his campaign, like my local sherriff
Pretty much.

Max: I said no one else reads the Daily Planet. Those others just buy it to look at the pictures. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
JOAN (from Smallville Mkt): As long as they buy the paper, I don't care what they do with it.

Clark: Hmm, maybe we should cover more Smallville news in the DP, so we get even more Smallville readers.

Lois: You do that Chuck, and leave the Superman in Metropolis stories to me.
Sounds like something straight out of S1.

Lois: I don't. I am sure it is because he stole someone else's identity and has not worked out his full cover story.
CLARK: cool
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/07/12 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
You mean when her report card arrives at the end of the semester?
Currently she's performing at "above her grade level" so I'm not too worried.

It was either that or Nascar. And Lois found the latter one boring.
Too slow?

Plus, she needed to sharpen her people skills by interrogating her passengers. Even caught a corporate spy and two drug mules that way.

What? I’m not the one who got sold for 1500 bucks to a billionaire for a night of unbridled passion.
LOIS: Jealous, huh?

.5 caliber?
TRASK: Sometimes we use 9mm.

LOIS: I think I know who was spying on me earlier this year.

ER: Lex?
LOIS: Michael.

/watches as Darlene switches tapes/
DARLENE: angel-devil Hey, I've got to send my kids through college somehow.

The sheriff, the preacher, and the judge are standing in a cornfield…
MAX: What are you saying? That we're all part of some elaborate drinking game?

OLD HANK:<hits himself in the head> Maybe I can get a divorce, keep Barbie and the rest and marry that Lucy girl…
LUCY: I'll pass. I'd rather not be a nanny-wife.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/07/12 05:33 PM
EW: smile1 There's more!

Originally posted by Darth Michael:
HANK: You mind if I go watch a bit?
RACHEL: Fine by me, I'm walking home.

WALT: Hank, trying to learn something? <shoos him away> I told you to watch my date, not yours.

HANK: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Aren’t all beautiful women like this?

ER: I don’t think Rachel was a bitca. Although, she *was* kind of prickly while waiting for her date to finish boinking his girl.
Thomas's and Clark's opinions aside, I don't think Rachel was considered in the same catagory as a "Lana" or a "Lois".

EW: Believe it not, I do make mistakes.

ER: <Feigns shock, amazement, and fainting>
Thank you. That was kind of you.

You also get to sleep with Lois.
LOIS: Wait! I don't get to sleep with Superman?

CLARK: I think I can arrange that sometime, if you never forgive me for lying. laugh

Yeah. He gets totally sick. Worse than cancer, really.
CLARK: And to think I told the EW you should be allowed a RL.

/whispers/ She got Clark for that and he did a bang-up job before, too.
LOIS: <scoots skirt up thigh> Claaaaark, can you type up this story for me? <<bats eyelashes>>

CLARK: Sure.

JIMMY: I can type.

RALPH: I can fake it.

LOIS: :rolleyes:

/hands Virginia achievement badge/
hyper Oooooh. Something shiney.

Clark: /checks Lois neck/ *groans* No, not Luis, *again*.
That's still on my 2BRead list. It must be a good one, because many people mention it.

/watches as Lois swipes small chunk of Kryptonite/
<Nine Months Later> LOIS: <very round in tummy> Nobody warned me that there was side-effects to this stuff.

See? Was that *so* hard? Now we can print it.
LOIS: Thanks, Perry, but this wasn't an article, this was my trying to get the sheriff to arrest Trask. Circumstancial evidence or not.

I believe it’s called unjust and cruel punishment.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/08/12 11:54 AM
Clark: Hmm, maybe we should cover more Smallville news in the DP, so we get even more Smallville readers.

Lois: You do that Chuck, and leave the Superman in Metropolis stories to me.
Sounds like something straight out of S1.
Yes, well it is close. At one point in the discussion of ging to Smallville to cover what was going on at the Irig famr, Lois tells Clark to go and leave him back in Metropolis so she can get Superman stories.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/08/12 02:00 PM
Currently she's performing at "above her grade level" so I'm not too worried.

WALT: Hank, trying to learn something? <shoos him away> I told you to watch my date, not yours.
wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/09/12 11:33 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Yes, well it is close. At one point in the discussion of ging to Smallville to cover what was going on at the Irig famr, Lois tells Clark to go and leave him back in Metropolis so she can get Superman stories.
[Linked Image] I forgot about that.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/09/12 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Also, too many traffic rules one has to follow.
LOIS: whinging

CLARK: [Linked Image]
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (57/??) - 11/10/12 10:34 AM
LOIS: [Huh] I'm not familiar with the phrase "traffic rules".
wave Michael
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