“My briefcase!” Lois gasped,
Good old Lois, worrying about her briefcase when she has nearly been killed.

“Hold your horses, missy.
Does Hank want to get smacked? I can not see Lois taking kindly to being called "missy".

“Where’s Chuck?”
Clark: Well, at least she is using a name within the established set of the cover. We did tell Hank that my name was Charles Jerome Lane.

“Jerome’s...” He paused and glanced over his shoulder towards the barn, which they couldn’t see from their location. “— hurt.”
hyper Thomas is avoiding revealing to Lois that Clark is being hurt by the "glow".

“No. No, I don’t think so,” Thomas said vaguely. “I saw him from the upstairs window. He kind of collapsed.”
Although I am not sure this description is helping at all.

“You’re bleeding, Lois,” Thomas said, pointing to her head.
Sounds like she is suffering from shock, not even realizing she is bleeding. Of course when Luthor shot her it took her a while to realize she was hit.

“I’m fine. Head wounds bleed a lot.
Clark: Because they are serious and need to be trated.

Take me to Jerome.”
Clark: hyper Lois is alive.

PR: She called you Clark too. hyper Now he will stop believing everyone he loves will die.

At first I wondered if this was a sign that Lois is still mad at him and refusing to call him Clark. However, since Chuck is also here endearment name for him, and not just her angry name for him, I doubt she is remembering that much at this moment.

“Halt!” Sheriff Harris called to him again, but Clark could only focus on Lois and getting to her.
I am surprised that Max has not shot Clark already.

“I held them for questioning,” Trask clarified. “National security issue. You understand, don’t you?”
What about the shooting part?

“Trask is also wanted for the murder in Metropolis of a federal employee, an ombudsman by the name of George Thompson,” Lois called over to the sheriff,
Now that is somethingeven Max won't be able to ignore.

before taking the last few steps into Clark’s embrace. She wrapped her arms around Clark and pulled him close. “You’re alive.”
dance dance dance Clark and Lois embrace.

John Pack Lambert