Yes, it is 'Big Bed'. Part 2 is up to 7-8 pages now [and actually, the way it's going, could end up being 4 parts].

And then my sister called and wants to take 2 kids for a night, but not the other one [the 2yo, not the baby] and I know 3 kids is a lot for someone who doesn't have them, but she only ever takes the bigger 2 because she doesn't like the 2yo and the other kids are starting to ask why she doesn't like their little sister and she wants to move to some other part of the country. *sigh* And now I'm waiting for DH to call back and I think I hear the bus [with DD6yo]. Yep - that was her and she won the CARE award this week smile . [Don't ask me how...]

So, I'm thinking a motivational poster of some kind with the pics from the other thread- you know the ballet ones, but with Lois' face on the lady's body.

/me still ponders it and the possibility of a FFP comes to mind as well...