Oh, oh, C_A - that's priceless!!! ROTFL! Ralph is DEFINITELY "chumpy". <g>

Oh, and Paul,

DJ, you fixed Jimmy? Oh no! How will we ever have cute little Jimmy puppies now??
I totally snorted over that one. LOL. Too funny!

(Nancy - the Jimmy reference is because I mistakenly wrote "Google *hasn't* been invented yet" instead of "hadn't". It was a typo and I HAD to go fix it. And yes, Woody's right, the Pepsi/Coke thing was from the picture caption with Chen entitled "Diet Clark" - hee hee)

I will be back later today with the last 3 I have for Paul <g> Just needed clarification on one picture.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.