1. Users who don't read the instructions on the screen. Doesn't matter how big you make the notice, or how non-technical and succinct you make it, they still won't read it. They prefer to click, get stuck, and then phone for help.

2. Users who ask for instructions to be specially written and made easily available, and then don't read them.

3. Users who don't read the informative or instructional emails I send them.

4. Users who think disk storage is infinite.

5. Users who think low disk storage is an IT problem and definitely not, under any circumstances whatsoever, their problem.

6. Users who think that a few scraps of knowledge about their home computer equates to being an expert on professional, business-level computing, causing them to make suggestions and requests which are so preposterous that you just don't know where to start telling them how wrong or stupid they are.

7. And just for a change of pace, staff who lose the information I email them and need me to re-locate and resend it.

8. Staff who never put anything away and then turn to me for a solution when the installation CD they need has mysteriously got lost.

There. That was fun. I feel so much better now. laugh
