Yep, Lynn, and the doubly-annoying thing about your second example is that the woman in the electric buggy thing had staked out the moral high ground - ie, she was disabled - and therefore you couldn't complain because then you'd be perceived as unsympathetic towards the disabled.

I had a similar thing at the airport over Christmas. I was standing in the queue to check in, and in waltzes a guy with a woman in tow who's on crutches. He goes straight to the check-in counter, jumping ahead of me and the queue behind me and throwing an apologetic 'sorry-but-as-you-can-see-she's-disabled' glance at us. Well, there were plenty of seats around, so the woman on crutches could have sat down while he checked in, for heaven's sake! But we all smiled understandingly and let him queue-jump.
