Other people had such good rants that I'm going to borrow a few. wink

People who eat noisily. The sound drives me nuts. Can't they close their mouths while they chew? And why film makers and radio program makers feel the need to make things so realistic that their actors speak while they're eating and so they slurp and slush and gulp and glob - argh!!! I've been known to leave the room just to get away from the sound.
I'm with you on this one, Yvonne!! razz

And ditto to everything ShellyEm said about Wal-Mart! razz I went there tonight on my way home from work - 10pm and a nearly full parking lot. I went to find black slacks for work. Can you believe they didn't have a SINGLE pair of plain, black slacks?! Completely ridiculous if you ask me, considering a great deal of 'working class' people need plain, black slacks as part of their work uniform. mad

A rant of my own:

I'm a waitress at Olive Garden (well, currently a hostess because of an injury) and if there's one thing that drives me nuts... it's the ordering of soup. Yeah, sounds stupid, but here's a little scenario. You're the server:

Let's say two guests come in and you're a bit busy, so it takes a minute or two for you to get over to them. When you get to the table, they have their menus closed up and they're impatiently waiting to order. Each of them orders the "all you can eat soup and salad" because they saw the ad on TV and it's a really good deal for $6. You say, "All right. What kind of soup would you like?" The guest says, "What kind do you have?"

Still seems innocuous, right?

Well, what I want to know is: How the heck do you come into a restaurant with the intent to get "soup and salad" - that's what you're getting, no ifs, ands or buts - and you don't even know what kind of soup the place serves? What if they only serve clam chowder and you hate seafood?? Though that is somewhat excusable. What isn't is coming in with the intent to get "soup and salad", waiting *impatiently* (and getting unecessarily cranky because you've known what you wanted to order before you even got there) with your menu closed, and then asking the server to list the soups that are clearly listed and even described in the menu. If you were in such a hurry and dying of starvation, why the heck wouldn't you decide on the type of soup you want right away?

Sadly (pathetically :rolleyes: ), I could go on for a while about even more soup ordering pet peeves, but I think that's enough for now.

Sara (who really does love working at OG even though she wants to hit people who ask the soup question :p )

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