Me again.

My digital TV company and their stupid new 'wonderful' Teleport service. Every time I see an ad for this they tell us it's 'TV you control' and it gives you access to 'a vast library of programmes you can watch any time you like.'


First of all, where's the control? You're at the mercy of some idiot back at the office and which programmes they decide to upload to the service out of Telewest's archives. And I've concluded that whoever it is they've hired to do it is straight off the bus from the local insane asylum.

Teleport Replay - a selection of programmes from the previous day, in case you missed them. There are about 15 per day on average. Vast library, huh?

Then there's the other section to the service, which are programmes from the archives. About 40 or so so far. Yeah, vast library, right.

Here's where the idiot really gets into his/her stride. Programmes are uploaded one day, then totally vanish three days later (they're supposed to be up for a couple of months before moving to the Last Chance To Watch section and then finally being deleted). Series are uploaded in haphazard order, with episodes missing. I spent two hours the other day watching a Cracker story in two parts - only to discover at the end of part two that it was actually a three part story...and part three was nowhere to be found. Three days later the entire list of Cracker episodes vanished. mad

Like everything about Telewest it's a lot of hooha and not much substance. razz

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers