Wendy, you have my sympathies. There's nothing more aggravating than a service company that fails to do the one thing it's in business to do. Delivery companies come to mind, or even worse, delivery drivers.

Their sole function in life is to drive the van to the correct address and hand over the goods. You'd think, therefore, that they'd be pretty good at finding addresses - I mean, that's all they do, all day long, every day of the week. All that practice! They must be experts, mustn't they?

Well...no. Instead, they ring you up on their mobile and tell you where they are and expect you to guide them in. Thus ensues a ridiculous conversation wherein you use one set of landmarks to describe the route and they use another.

"I'm driving past the Shell garage," they say.

"What Shell garage? Are you anywhere near the big Sainsbury's?"

"Don't know, but there's a pub coming up on the left called the Jolly Roger."

"Sorry, don't know that," you reply. "How about that big Sainsbury's I just mentioned?"

"No, love, can't see that. There's a police station...?"

And so on until they crash into the next car because they're driving while talking on their phone. wink
