1. There is NEVER a parking place close to the door no matter what time of day I go.
Sorry, I'm going to take this for a rant. Because this is one thing that really peeves me.

Now, just so you know, I live right behind a local mall. It's a nice quiet location, but it's literally hell during the Christmas season. I have to get through mall traffic just to get home from work. So I *know* how busy things get.

But no matter what time of the year, I'll head over to the mall, and grab a parking spot, usually one of the first near the end of the row of cars that I see. I might go down one aisle and back another just to see how crowded it is, before I take a parking spot at the end of the line. But I'll watch people stalk the aisles, going up and down them several times. They'll see someone get into their car, back up a bit, and wait for that car to pull out so they can get that "prime" spot. I was once stopped 2 cars behind one car that did this. I was impatient, wanting to get into the next aisle so I could quickly find parking spot of my own. But no, I had to wait 5 minutes for that car to back out, just so Mr. Whiny could take that spot so he wouldn't have to park that far.

Now, I know Americans are lazy. But for goodness sake, WALK! If you can't walk that far, talk to the doctor, maybe you can get a handicapped tag. But don't make *me* wait and waste gas so you can save a few footsteps. The gas is more expensive.

Just to show how ridiculous this is, last month we had two shootings at the mall over parking spaces. I know one person only shot a gun up into the air, but it really is sad.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited