Lab, glad I could help. smile

Walmart -- not touching that one. Which, come to think of it, is my general policy when it comes to Walmart. (Except Sam's Club, but that's different...)

My rant: Push-To-Talk cell phones. Now, those things drive me nuts. What is the point? Suddenly, instead of speaking normally into your phone, so that at least the volume isn't disruptive, you're shouting into the thing because it's in speakerphone mode.

Not only that, but whatever's said on the other side gets blasted out of the phone's speaker. The sound quality is poor and garbled, but you can still hear it across the room.

Then, just in case that wasn't loud and annoying enough, the phone punctuates every sentence with a loud chirp which can be heard from two rooms away.

So, you're adding three new levels of noise pollution to fill the room/bus/whatever, and what's the benefit? The minutes are a little cheaper. Except that you have to buy a phone capable of using the service, and you have to pay extra to get the PTT minutes (which are seperate from your regular minutes).

Really, then, you're annoying an entire room full of people (me especially) for no better reason than because it seemed like a cool idea. Or something.


*other venty noises*


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.