Hey, my pet peeve is going back to a McDonald's and seeing everything wrong. I can't go in and just be a customer. LOL. Ah, it's been over a year now and I don't regret leaving the cult. I'm still branded mind you (burns LOL).

Oh Pam, where I am there is only face to face drive thru. I can't do the speaker ones anyways. I am so deaf!

Were I am (EDIT - was!) they took credit cards for a long time. The reason they stopped taking credit cards in my area (western cda) was... too many people were having fraudlent charges and so on. The credit card people too decided something too. The cards were a pain to deal with too!!!!! It slowed down service. We found our sevice on average decreased after the cards were not accepted. Mind you, our location ROCKED! yeah! LOL

One of our managers who was working towards their BSC in psch did this whole experiment and studied all the variables and found how the credit cards were slowing us down. It was fun and he got to watch us. Mind you he had to pick a project and he created this one (you have to do stuff like that when you want to 'develope' at McDs). We knew they were getting taken away and he just wanted to see if it would be a perk OR NOT for us.

Also another reason they stopped accepting, too many people were coming back saying "I didn't authorize this", but they did. One lady did that to us a lot. You don't use debit?
I think they started accepting them again here a month or two ago...

I could alwasy get the card to work. Did they do all the magic tricks? LOL. In one shift coffee spilt on the debit machine three times. I had many people get mad at me b/c our machine wouldn't work. Half the time it was because their cards were old. LOL. But that's just normal.

- try the burger wrapper around the card
- try a napkin
- get them to get the cleaner wipes for the card and/or the machine
- swipe at varying speeds
- unplug the cords at the back of the machine and try again.

These little kids there now a days are just to afraid to play with the machine. I like to, it's a challenge during a boring work day. I can do the above in just a minute or two, but man some workers are ...slow in every which way!

Oh and the computers bite. I had no problem. When they go down - just do it old school style! LOL. I love doing it that way.

There are too many better jobs out there and the better employees no longer work at McDonald's and just go elsewhere. Before it was so hard to get a job there b/c their criteria was high, but by the mid to late 90s it became easier b/c the eligable workforce was looking elsewhere.

Olive Garden -- yeah, why do people get surprised that things can take a while if it is busy! Gee wiz. I hate it when people don't read a menu period. I was with one girl and she just asked, "so what do you have" to the waitress. Um duh, read the menu!

I hate icky gross menus. I found out later thats why she just asks and gets what the waitress says is their so-called favourite.
I say just go wash your hands afterwards.

Todays pet peeves
Pens that explode. They should ban that.
Stupid people in classrooms. Just be quiet and listen and read what the prof gives you and don't ask dumb questions equivalent to what day of the week is it.
Dumb people that just dump their garbage while walking around and not hold on to it until they see a bin.
The weather we have been having. Hello it is suppose to be -10 to -20 here with the odd -30. It's been spring all the way through so far!!! UGH!! I want to go skiing and not end up in a muddy puddle. I want to go skating onthe river!!! The world is coming to an end.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.