First - Stomp The Spider. I cannot say how much I loathe that damn ad! [Mad] You can't even turn it off
As a matter of fact, Lab, you can turn it off.

Step 1 (which you may already have completed -- I can't remember): Get FireFox .

Step 2: Install one or more of the following extensions:

AdBlock , which allows you to set up a list of filters which automatically remove images and content. For example, the filter "*/banners/*" will remove any web page item (image, flash program, etc) with "/banners/" anywhere in the URL. A short list of general filters will get rid of most online ads, and you can always add new ones from the right-click menu. (Just right-click something you don't like, choose "Adblock Image," and create a new filter based on the image's URL.)

Flashblock automatically hides all flash animations. Flash programs are replaced with a simple button, which you can use to view the animation if you so desire.

Nuke Anything allows you to selectively remove content with a simple mouse command. Right-click any object, choose "remove this object," and *poof* -- it's gone!

Step 3: Next time you see the spider, use the extension of your choice to make it disappear!


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.