Oh boy can I relate. I teach college level Art History, Art Ed and Computer Graphics. 2/3rds of the students (and that is being generous) are there because their parents insist they go to college. They don't hand in homework on time, if they hand it in at all. They exceed the absenses for the class or arive late and leave early. They don't put in the lab time required out side of the class. Of course, these are the students that complain most about their grade and how unfare I am or how tough I am. Then the college asks these same students to rate their Professor. Why doesn't the college ask the Professor to rate the student in the same fashon. Sure we give them a grade and keep track of absenses but unless they are in fear of failing reports do not go out. I think if you are going to give an irrisponsible student the right to bad mouth a professor then the professor should be able to defend their actions. Thank God most of the reports I get are mostly good or I would be out of a job.

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"