Ha! Happy New Year!

I knew this fic was so familiar. I've been coming back to this quote a bunch of times this week and finally it dawned on me this morning. It's Labrat's: "Epiphany"! What a great read! I’ll be right back with a new quote…...

I reread this classic just a few weeks ago. Okay, here it is:

It's tough finding a good place to hide -- especially one from where
you can watch, plan, wait for an opportunity to strike. To make
things right... to get even. Justice and revenge.

It's even harder when you don't have any resources, any contacts,
money, a home. When you're not sure if you're being watched as you
scramble in the chaos to escape a city ripped apart by corruption and
civil war. The only contacts she'd had were also her partner's, and
she wasn't sure if she could trust him not to betray her once again.
Finally, long after he'd made his own comfortable departure, she too
had got out.
Okay, it's been a few days. I'm going to add a bit more of the intro. No more though, because this is a "fanfic beginnings" game.

Then the earth had exploded in front of the van in which she'd fled,
and she and the boy were alone. Was there any hope of rescue?
Wouldn't her disappearance be big news? At least for a few days,
until the next big scandal or crisis?

As she had twisted out from the jagged wreckage of the van, willing
all her reserve strength to drive her body through sharp, twisted
metal and the shattered shards of the rear passenger window, she
hadn't thought of any of that. She'd just wanted to survive. A
quick glance at the van's interior, at the blood and the gaping
flesh, told her that her companions had not been as lucky. Except
the boy. Reaching in, she struggled to pull him to safety, smelling
the fumes as she did, aware of the danger of the gas tank blowing.
Instinctively they'd both started to run, racing against the
brilliant flash of fire which engulfed the wreckage as the van blew
up. Horrified and gasping for air, they stood silently watching the
flame, hypnotized by its ferocity.
Write on! smile1