Between Floors 7 and 8, by Jessi Mounts, if I'm not mistaken.

Try this one.

"I hate it when I get kidnapped," Lois announced to
her cell-mates. This was actually not true; after spending a
sedate year on the campaign trail, she was enjoying the
excitement. Clark was right there with her, after all, even if he
did have to be careful. Their Secret Service agent, Keith
Jackson, had been grabbed along with them, and his presence
slowed things down somewhat.
"You do not," Clark contradicted her amiably. He
wasn't particularly thrilled to be in this situation, but the mild
tonic of danger was making Lois sparkle, and he did so love it
when she sparkled.
She grinned, earning and ignoring a quizzical look
from Keith. "Well, it doesn't matter; Superman will get us out
pretty soon." Just as soon as one of them figured out how to
do it without rousing Keith's suspicions, that is...
Keith had had the worst of the short fight when they'd
been kidnapped. He could feel a bruise starting to spread on
his cheek, but with his dark coloring, he suspected the others
hadn't noticed it yet. He fully expected to lose his job over this
fiasco, but the most important thing was to get the civilians out
of here, and he intended to do his best. "We need to try to
escape on our own, and not count on Superman. I mean,
where was he an hour ago, when we were grabbed?"
Nettled, Clark stood. "Well, I guess he thought he
could relax, since the Secret Service was on the case."

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.