Sorry Woody! I beat you and I call dibs! It's the first one I've beat everyone to. blush

Okay. Try this one on for size. It's not the one I wanted to use but a certain author hasn't uploaded the one I wanted to use yet (he, she, they, shall remain nameless for now :p )

She was going to die. She knew that, and it made her angry.

She stumbled, nearly losing her balance, as the men on either
side dragged her along the long, narrow corridor. The leather
hood over her head was suffocatingly hot, and the smell of it
nearly made her retch. She was certain that other unfortunate
individuals who'd been forced to wear this hood before her had
done just that.

She'd committed the cardinal sin of all reporters. She'd become
part of the story. She'd allowed her own disgust and indignation
over the situation here to color her articles. Her reports had
contained more than just the facts. In an effort to more vividly
convey the horror she had witnessed, she had allowed herself to
Have fun!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.