Whee, I know! This is First Comes Marriage by ML Thompson. Definitely worth reading smile

Off to find another quote... be back in a bit.

Okay, how about this?
Whistling, Clark Kent stepped off the elevator into the newsroom of The Metropolis Star--and shied back as a newspaper was shoved into his face.

"Hey, Clark, Mike led with your story! Congrats!"

Clark's dazzling smile flashed, and he pushed the paper to one side to reveal Paul Banning's gapped-toothed grin. "Thanks, Paul." He had already seen the morning paper, but it was nice to have his co-workers recognize his achievement.

"Kent! In my office!" the editor, Mike Nichols, called.

Paul clapped him on the shoulder as he turned away. "Good going, kid."

Clark nodded and continued across the newsroom. At 28, he'd been in the newspaper business for half a dozen years; he'd had front page stories in papers all over the world, but here he was a newcomer, and maybe from Paul's vantage point of twenty years, he *was* just a kid. He shrugged, his tweed sports jacket sliding loosely over his coarse cotton shirt. Okay, so maybe the other papers weren't great metropolitan newspapers, but The Star was no Daily Planet, either.