This is the really, really wonderful Sister Switch .

"Oh! Oh! Hold"

Lois didn't actually expect anyone on the elevator to grant her request. It was all the way across the food court she was standing in, and unless someone on there happened to be a lip reader or was fluent in the language of Lois-Lane-arm-waving, there was no way anyone would know she was even making one. So she was surprised to see the doors slide back open when they'd been just inches from sealing shut.

Lois snatched her Chinese take-out off the counter before she rushed across the mall's food court to eye the elevator's sole passenger suspiciously. He was staring at her, looking a little stunned, but holding on to that Doors Open button like it was the most important task of his life. That alone was enough to make her nervous. Why in the world would this guy wait for her to walk all the way across the food court unless he *really* wanted to be alone in that tiny space with her?

lisa in the sky with diamonds