“Pick me up at the corner of…” She paused. “Eighth Street and Mullecky.”
/makes note/ Lois is soliciting a pick-up by a plain clothes police officer on a street corner.
MET STAR: Lex Luthor engaged to hooker – by Samantha Nize

“In my hand,” she replied.
BENDER: It’s obvious that the evidence against Mr. Luthor is fraudulent. The weapon obviously belongs to his fiancée, who, in the past, has entertained dalliances with the victim and performed unspeakable acts in unmarked police cars.

By the time Clark stopped leaping from building to building, he was back downtown again. As soon as he stopped moving, his mind focused on Lois using Kryptonite against him. Other than Cat, she was the only person in Metropolis who knew he was Superman.
CLARK: [Linked Image] Lois has learned about me and Cat hooking up the other day and now she’s ticked off. Note to self: Never let her catch me cheating on her. It’s bad for my health.

Out of the two women in his life, he never thought either of them would ever turn on him. He had trusted her. He loved her.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Lois tried to kill him and Cat dumped him on the same day?
CLARK: Funny-ha-ha or funny-why-is-there-a-horse’s-head-in-my-bed?

He couldn’t go home. He couldn’t think about what Lois did to him.
Maybe it’s easier to think about what Lex did to Lois?

only he couldn’t find the will to fly. He didn’t know what was to blame: his exposure to Kryptonite or his bereft sadness that Lois would turn against him so badly, when he had been riding high on hope again.
Sounds like Peter Pan to me.

He felt so empty and alone.
Maybe he should eat a cupcake and find himself a Wendy?

His ears perked up as his hearing improved. He could hear a woman crying. Cat!
LOIS: mad

“No,” she said through her sniffles. “Phil’s left me.”
/Clark goes off visiting Phil to ‘talk’ to him/

Clark’s brow deepened in concentration as he moved the pictures around on the table. “You haven’t cheated on Phil and certainly not with me.”
Yep, scared what Lois would do to him, now that she’s got Kryptonite rings.

“Not that this is even remotely similar, but would you have been happy, had Lois told you she wasn’t going to give up her friendship with Lex, just because you wanted her to? No, you wouldn’t have,” Cat retorted.
That’s different. Lex is a creep. Plus, Clark could easily have an accident on Lex while flying past.

He turned away under the guise of picking up photographs off the floor. “Lois didn’t give me that choice, Cat,” he whispered. “She made her own decision.”
LOIS: Think I’m stupid? After what happened the last time I let Clark make a decision?

“Stop making excuses for him. What he did was unforgiveable,” she said.
And now she sounds like Lois.

“We’ve been over this. You aren’t supposed to bleed,” Cat reminded him,

His sedan just screamed ‘unmarked police car’. She climbed into the front seat next to him a second after he pulled up to the curb.
/snaps photo of street walker/

“Fine, but I don’t want anything leaking until we know we’ve nailed him to the wall.
Preferably with railroad spikes?

Trask thought it would kill Superman instantly as high doses of radiation would do to us, but Superman isn’t built… isn’t hardwired like us.”
CLARK: [Linked Image] I’m built nothing like Lois.

On the other hand, he could claim jealousy. Everyone knows Superman and I are friends, and he could say he thought that little bit would make it uncomfortable for Superman to be around me,
LEX: Duh! My fiancée is a proven cheat, with her cheating on her boyfriend with Superman, why shouldn’t she do the same to me?

“We need to know where were looking,
[Linked Image] “we’re looking”

“So, what do you want to do?”

Lois leaned over and looked at herself in the side view mirror, before turning to face him again. “Punch me!”

I’m going to play to Lex’s ego. For that, I need to look banged up more. Punch me,” she repeated.
I’m not sure if Lex is going to feel that his ego has been stroked if Lois looks well banged when she gets home.
NIGEL: I don’t think it made much difference that I had them use red crystals for the ring.

“I’m not going to hit you, Lane. It’s against the law,” Henderson said,
HENDERSON: [Linked Image]

Jimbo stepped off the bus and started walking towards the Daily Planet. He had to talk to CK. He had to apologize for coming between him and Lois and sending her into the arms of Lex Luthor.
Good thing Clark can presently hit people without killing them too much.

Even if she would’ve considered giving him a second chance, it was highly unlikely with his cousin standing between them.
Maybe they could share?

They were all ignoring the fact that it was obvious that Mr. Luthor had come to the charity event merely to see Lois, whom he evidently was still gaga for, and Jimbo thought he should be allowed to have a second chance.
CLARK: Yes, Det. Henderson. James Bartholomew Olsen here own that yellow lunchbox. You’re saying it contained the bomb? Huh. Yeah, I can see that.

One could fix a mistake on a computer much easier than one could fix a mistake in real life.
Or you just get a new one.
LEX: Hey! That’s *just* like what I’m doing with relationships.

“Nothing else would knock Superman from the sky,” Lois said.
Well, maybe a naked Lois sunbathing on a rooftop.
SUPERMAN: [Linked Image]

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I go by Michael on the Archives.