No, the main reason would be that cloning is thought to be impossible, so it isn't in the range of possibilities people would think of.
And as we saw in "Double Jeopardy", even when cloning has been known to be possible for years (at least to those directly involved) and has been under investigation by said person for the last few weeks, they still do not consider it, even when everything screams out "this is not Lois".

He was *undercover*, trying to get information out of the woman. He didn't sleep with Toni. Lois was jealous for no good reason.
Lois:Unfaithfulness starts a lot earlier than sleeping. Anyway, why did the lunkhead ever give Toni his real address. He should have given a fake address when getting an undercover job.

There were the Japanese twins, the cheerleader, Toni Taylor, and Monique Kahn as well, specifically implied. And possibly the woman who bought Superman at the auction.
What cheerleader? I don't remember a cheerleader. I think I only noticed the Japanese twins because of this story. I never though Monique Kahn was implied, but maybe I just miss such implications.

John Pack Lambert