-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --
Only Lex would be so arrogant as to think this possible.
WELLS: Nothing is impossible. evil

Too bad Lois has not tried to push an investigation on why this happened.
It wasn't her story, she was busy investigating Lex, dealing with the news that her partner had been lying to her since Day 1, the missing kidnapped kids, and stressing about Linda being in town.

He is more sick and disturbed than I thought. Although I have to say in canon he clearly was using multiple women, and they seemed to hint at more than they showed. Toni Baines and Miranda, and probably Mrs. Cox without question, and a few others seemed to be implied. Why Lois went for such a philanderer never made sense, although the lines about her father being a womanizer were not really developed in season 1.
There were the Japanese twins, the cheerleader, Toni Taylor, and Monique Kahn as well, specifically implied. And possibly the woman who bought Superman at the auction.

I think it should be "her that he", you don't need the it.
Thanks. Fixed.

He told her that the day she had worn it, almost every reporter had turned in late and incomprehensible stories, with the exception of Cat, Lois, and Preciosa Valdez.
JOHN: This must have been before Clark came to work at the planet.
[Linked Image]

Lois:Well, the dress is why Perry had me put the paper to bed one day that week. He hated it, but he had to go home early that day or Alice really would have tanned his hide.
I seriously doubt that, but Alice probably raked him over the coals about a lack of a professional work environment.

Why have such a fake sounding name as an alias?
Hooker name for undercover work.

prior to Lois becoming a lady of the evening.
JOHN: Lois really should have been a lot more made at Cat for not warning her, and less mad at Clark for trying his hardest to help her on the investigation. Although I still think he should have made it so Toni could not have found his apartment.
CAT: Lois is a big girl. She's always telling us how she can take care of herself. I was letting her do just that. It's not my job to 'big sister' her. Clark didn't have any expectations that Toni would visit his home address on his employment records (most bosses don't).

The more I think about it, the more frustrating it is that Lois did not try to press charges. All her complaining to Clark that Luthor had good intentions does not seem to mesh with the fact he tried to get her to go the Penthouse with her. Although, the charges would have probably been fairly minor, and having pressed charges would make her later investigation of him harder. Still, he deserved them.
LEX: It was only a suggestion... I never forced myself on her.

LOIS: See! Any charges I brought upon him would have been dropped anyway. Anyway, he said he was trying to help me. :rolleyes: Men!

I went back and re-read most of the Metro Gang section trying to figure out if Toni ever figured out who Clark really was. I guess since it does not say, I will for now assume it happened as in canon.
There was this line from Part 43 , implying that he had:

. “Well, save room for a sidebar on Toni Taylor. Superman found her still tied up in the warehouse,” he said. “I talked to her down at the station.”

“A touching farewell, I suppose,” she replied, heavy with the sarcasm, as she walked back to her desk.
I am still shocked that Clark tried to defend Toni, especially after she sold Lois. Maybe he did deserve Lois breaking up with him. Defending the vice lord Toni was a very lunkheaded thing for him to do.
He didn't know if Lois knew she had been "sold" to Luthor, and figured since Lois didn't believe anything he told her about Luthor anyway, why just oil to the fire. True, it wasn't the smartest thing to do...

“You didn’t happen to bring the big guy along with you, did you? It’s been a long six months.”
Lois:Maybe I was right to be mad at Clark for entertaining Toni.
Toni meant six long months surrounded by women, without handsome man flesh to look at, not that she had actually touched Clark (Charlie).

Clark:Why, I already have Lois mad at me about Linda, why would I want to rekindle the mess around Toni?
Because Clark isn't stupid enough to have his entire life (professional and personal) revolve around Lois. She wouldn't care for it, and it would make him miserable if he catered to her every fear on his behalf. Lois being jealous of Linda, Toni, or Cat is Lois's problem, not his. He hasn't done anything wrong.

undercover assignment at the Metropolis Star or not.
JOHN: I thought he finished that one already though. Wasn't it Thursday he called to bring Lois in on the investigation, and now it is Friday, so shouldn't he be done being undercover?

This line made me think we were still before Clark calls Lois until I read the whole thing.
Clark, Lois, and Linda are currently dealing with Carpenter and Secretary Wallace's assignation attempt while Cat is visiting Toni in prison. So, as far as Cat knows Clark is still undercover at the Met Star.

Are we going to every see Clark call Lois, the fall of Carpenter and the end of Linda? Or is Carperter still around?
That would be "no". It was implied. Although, clearly, the Readers are begging for me to add in a passage for the Archive version.

“He is a box of eye candy, isn’t he?” Cat agreed.
Lois:And that is all he will ever be to you Cat. Clark is mine, all mine.
CAT: Hence "eye" candy. Candy, one isn't allowed to touch. Duh!

Wouldn't that be Clark? Isn't he the one who found her in the warehouse, untied her, but didn't let her run from the police?
Here it was Superman (see above quote from Part 43).

Want to help me totally embarrass her?”
JOHN: Since Lois is using Lex to further her investigation of him being a criminal, that is not really possible.
CAT: evil Sure, it is.

Lois: grumble we are not dating. Cat of all people knows that.
CAT: Right. And Lois has never lied to get in good with a possible source?

She is really racking them up. I don't think Clark could have puled off this many lies.
LOIS: I'll take that bet. Hey, look. <<shows her tally sheet>> I won.

CLARK: huh

Only if she can expedite the process of sending Luthor to prison. Which, does not seem a likely outcome of proving Luthor is having relations with lots of women. Even if she can prove relations with Toni Taylor, that is not proving criminal action. Especially if Lois won't press charges for soliciting a prostitute. Lois really should have pressed charges. It would have opened up an inquiry into how involved in the Metro gangs activities Luthor was.
CAT: Who said I was working to get Lex in jail? I'm a "society columnist". I report gossip. Lex sleeping with all these criminals types, that's gossip. It's Lois's job to prove it makes him a criminal himself, *she's* the investigative reporter. That's *her* job. My job is just to prove he's a lying slimebucket and get people talking about it.

I knew Lois should have left the lunch immediately on having dismissed the lawyer.
CAT: Hey, if she's going to swim with sharks, she's going to have to deal with being a labeled a shark herself, even by those who know she's just a porpoise.

Lois is trying not to scare him off or make him angry, all the while still keeping him on the line.

Cat:And a womanizer who pays for the services of ladies of the night, which is illegal in this town.
TONI: That's what I call a high ranking businessman or corporate CEO or CFO.

Although, since presumably all the people who knew about that had just died in an explosion as well, the discovery is probably not what prompted her death.
CAT: Close enough.

Yes, why is being saved be Superman unfortunate.
when it angers her boss.

I see, it would have been a much less painful way to die if she had just splatted on the ground.
CAT: Yes. From a certain point of view.
CLARK: What? shock No!
CAT: <<reminds him what happened to Ms. Kahn>>
CLARK: Still... No. Neither is a good way to die.

Considering what we have known for some time Lex did to Monique, nothing revealed in this part really adds to his disturbeness. Although just being exposed to him so much is disturbing.
LEX: I must object to that statement. I haven't exposed myself to any Readers during this story.

“I could’ve used some of that stuff,” Toni mumbled.
JOHN: But would people debase their pure love by commercializing it?
TONI: If a man is MORE turned on by one of my girls and CAN'T stop himself from wanting her, he'll pay even more to possess her.
LOIS: Lovely. She's a ray of sunshine for women's rights, isn't she?

and he was a perfect gentleman,”
JOHN: I guess he did have to put on a façade with Toni and not be his unsually overdominating and abuse self.
As in canon, this Lex told her that if she breathed a word about what she knew about his illegal activities she wouldn't live to speak a second word.

I think maybe it should be "under a watchful eye".
Yes, thanks. Fixed.

Of course that assumes they do not just categorically deny recognizing anyone.
CAT: I know body language better than most. I can tell when someone lies to me, especially men. The women, I don't care that much about.

Lois:It won't embarrass me, it will relieve me. Then I will able to be with Clark all I want. At least as much as his lunkheaded, overly close following of the law allows.
Embarrassing Lois is the carrot she's dangling in front of Toni.

Cat is really good at chicken. Perry probably would be hesitant about relying too much on such an uncorroborated story. Especially since crime exposes are not really Cat's thing.
CAT: Scandal isn't a crime.

Maybe Luthor gives those out to some of his paramours. Or maybe he meets these ladies himself or has one of his trusted assistants with a key meet them.
There might be another explanation as well.

But maybe the people who are on duty when the lady of the night shows up are chosen because they are good at denying recognition.
The less people with knowledge Lex's personal pleasure activities, the better.

Oh, I guess it was both in the middle of the night. Luthor's limo driver could be a key source of information.
Except when he's Asabi and is well paid not to speak about his boss.

I guess this would expose Lex as disturbing, but unless they can prove the tracers are used, criminal would be pretty hard.
If Cat could prove that Lois and one criminal and three murdered people could be connected to Lex via the tracer watches, there would be a pattern of behavior, which could possibly link Lex to those murders. If not, it would really embarrass him, be a great scandal, sell newspapers.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.