She appeared as if one should only approach her with a chair and a whip.
Or a Hershey Bar taped to a long stick?

The plea deal meeting must not have gone as well as they had hoped.
Mayson offered Lois a deal: Clark or prison. Lois chose prison. Mayson figures she can now make a move on Clark while Lois rots in prison.

“I got community service!”
laugh Taking care of aging billionaires by giving them sponge baths?
LEX: /pulls out birth certificate that looks like it’s from the last centure/

“That’s terrific, honey,” Perry said, patting her supportively on the back. “That’s showing them.”
/waves good bye to Perry/

“I’m being punished for harboring an innocent man!”
She is punished for breaking the law and making a fool out of government officials.
LOIS: They made fools out of themselves.

“Darlin’, community service is better than prison,” their boss reminded her.
Lois doesn’t seem to think so.

It was only enough to reduce the charges to a misdemeanor ‘hindering a prosecution’ charge. Please! I solved the case!”
Maybe that will teach her to keep to television and only show her cute bum on prime time TV while reporting on the mayor’s parade and Lex’s latest charitable function.
LEX: [Linked Image] One can only hope. Crawling through the mud of society is not becoming for the next Mrs. Luthor.

“Keep in mind; they arraigned me for hindering the prosecution of an innocent man! Is that really obstruction of justice?
Yes. Had she allowed due process to reign, he’d have been in front of a judge much sooner, there he could have told them that he’s innocent, and then be aquitted.

They should be thanking me for doing their job for them. Moreover, I saved the infrastructure of the friggin’ country!
STANNIS: I like this ADA. She is hard and fair. Just my kind of gal.
STANNIS’s Nigel: Yes. My liege cut off some of my fingers for the smuggling and made me a lord for the saving. He is a very just man.

a Pulitzer Prize,
[Linked Image] They hand those out for outstanding journalism, not for moonlighting as a P.I.

Eugene was found innocent, so I should be too!”

Well, at least she learned her lesson, Clark thought wryly.
I don’t think she did. But maybe helping out in an old-folks home will teach her humility.

“No,” Lois grouched. “My lawyer said that there was a fifty-fifty chance I could see actual jail time […]So, I took the deal.”
What Lex hears: She is willing to do disgusting things if it keeps her out of the country club.

“They wouldn’t accept working at the Daily Planet as an investigative reporter as ‘community service’.
[Linked Image]

If the Daily Planet doesn’t help the community better than anyone, I don’t know who does.”
One of Lex’s charities.

They both could list a few charitable organizations, as well Metropolis’s emergency personnel, who could be considered more helpful,
Would it be considered charitable work if she volunteered as a concubine for the Lord Kal El?
Horde of Barely-Legal Highschool Girls: We’d do that community service to get some college acceptance credit!

but why poke a stick at the raging lion?
LEX: Because it’s fun?

“How many hours did you get?” Jimmy asked

He was certainly the bravest of the three of them, or the stupidest.
I’d go with #2.

Clark would make sure to thank his friend for sacrificing himself for the good of the team later… if either of them survived that long.
He does remember that he’s kind of immune to bodily harm as long as he stays away from Henderson’s office, doesn’t he?

“It would have been one month or fifty hours, but I protested the attached rider, which said that I couldn’t converse with criminals.
laugh and confused Does that mean she’s not allowed to interview her fellow miscreant- erm community servants?

I talk to sources, snitches, witnesses, not to mention elected officials and crooked D.A.s!”
I think she got the extra 100 hours for the crooked D.A. remark.

Perry winced. “And that’s how you got your sentence doubled,” he said more than asked.

“I could have put you on the dog show circuit, Lois,” Perry reminded her.
Actually, until she’s done serving her time, it would be very bad to put a convicted felon in charge of the front page. Maybe dog shows, obituaries, and doing the editing for Ralph’s work on the classified section would be best.

At least, now, my community service doesn’t come with the ‘no conversing with criminals’ rider, so I’ll be able to do my job.
Oh, that stipulation was meant for the time until she had worked off her community service. Now I get it. How about she took a week vacation and worked off the original 50 hours in one fell swoop? But nooo… Besides, in the olden days, they had women volunteering at the temples to take care of the bodily needs of those who couldn’t afford prostitutes or wives. I’m quite sure that qualified as community service back then.

Clark decided not to mention that she could have taken two weeks of her vacation and done the community service all at once instead of piecemeal,

“Very funny,” Lois retorted. “I should have let Lex’s lawyer defend me, instead of the Daily Planet attorney; maybe then all the charges would have been waived.
And a solicitation charge added, thanks to an inside tip by one Charles King.

Actually, what I really should look into now is A.D.A. Drake and how corrupt she is.
[Linked Image] She’s not a fan of Superman.

Schwartz said he had talked to her and that she was willing to give me a pass on all the charges, but as soon as I show up with a Daily Planet attorney, instead of some highly-priced one, she’s singing a different tune, saying that she never accepted that deal with Lex’s lawyer.
[Linked Image] Was Schwartz ralphing Lois? Or was Lex figuring that Clemmons would overrule his ADA when push came to shove.

“That I don’t deserve to have all the charges dropped?”
She’s guilty. And those solicitation charges would have made her eligible for an appearance in Cat’s Corner.

I’d rather not have them dictate my private life.”
LEX: [Linked Image] I just have to pay the mayor so he orders Lois into my bed? cool Nigel! Asabi! Bring me my Nigel!

Earlier this morning, before her plea meeting, Lois had told Clark about her wonderful idea for a trip to Kansas that weekend.
Couldn’t Superman use a flat piece of Nightfall to scoop up the entire Kent Farm and fly it to New Troy? Or what if Superman married Lois. Him being a foreign dignitary and all would mean they both have diplomatic immunity and Lois could flip off that ADA bitch and her notion of justice.

From experience, he had learned not to let his hopes get too high, knowing that was the surest way to have them dashed against the rocks.
As seen with Nightfall. And he did dash against *that* rock pretty darn hard after flying so high.

Good thing I have something else to occupy my time this week, he thought glumly.
The blonde skank currently nesting in his apartment?

Apparently, he had been Linda’s pseudo-date and Preston Carpenter her official date.
She’s not even hiding her twotiming anymore?

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I go by Michael on the Archives.