he is already bailing on the planet. This is going to go awful.
I'm sorry. Did you really want me to drag it out more?
Well, we essentially got two Lois and Clark dates in "The Rival", and now we have none. Plus the Lois and Clark date in "Illusions of Grandeur" was cut short, and the other one vanished. grumble Hmm, we have come up with almost as many Season 1 Lois and Clark dates as Season 2.

He should take Lois to the supply room and explain what is going on.
CLARK: But... but... I've got lunch...
Lois:But I am so much more fun, Clarkie.

Clark: Luthor does it all the time, and you never get mad at him.
LOIS: Yes, but as far as anyone else knows, he and I are friends. WE are just co-workers.
Clark: frown

Reader:So much for Lois's claims that she treats Luthor like she treats her co-workers.
It's another case of Lois protesting too much, actually.
Her claim about her relationship with Lex, her reaction to Clark kissing her, or both?

I am mainly not understanding why Lois is exploding. I wish it was part of an elaborate cover plan to his defection, but I don't think that is it.
It's part of her elaborate ruse plan.
Clark:I wish she would explain it to me.

Lois:Maybe if you start explaining your plans to me before doing them, I will reciprocate, eventually.

Lois, are you trying to expose his secret?
LOIS: It wasn't *that* hot.
Jimmy:Then why did I get burned by some of the splash?

Although, she did say "Chuck", so maybe there is hope.
You need to read between the lines on that one. What she means is they could never be "just friends".
Oh, interesting.

Well, technically, she has never seen "Clark" without his glasses, so he doesn't know this for a fact.
grumble Canon Lois got away with less time of Linda too. How does she get all the lucky breaks?

Perry:So did it feel like a real goodbye kiss, or a fake goodbye kiss. Is your sense of detecting facts through kisses that deep. Is that why you let your "source" Luthor kiss you, you get facts from his kisses as well?
LOIS: Ewww. I don't *let* Lex kiss me. He does it without my permission every time.
Perry:If you really objected to it, you would stop chumming around with him. You defenetely do not throw coffee on him like you did to Clark.

“That’s different,” Lois replied, stiffening at his implication that she and Clark should treat each other the same.
JOHN: Indicating that it really is essentially the same.
This is essentially the same conversation she has with Perry during the finding out that Clark had the globe event in Foundling.
I hadn't thought of that. It seems worse here, because she is actually doing those things, instead of just in theory probably doing them.

This is a really good point. I wish she could figure out a way to make it to Clark.
Well, first, they would have to have a moment of privacy to talk...
Which at the rate we are going will never happen.

Perry:If you don't want to be caught cheating, don't do the act to begin with.
LOIS: *I'm* not cheating!
Perry:I know what you two do in the supply closet, and having dinner with Luthor does not seem faithful to that.

Considering she had not been at the press function, I am surpsied he expected that at all.
Carpenter's still hopeful. It *is* the Met Star, after all, who wouldn't want to work for it?
Lois "loyal" Lane.

Well, the murderer was proven to be not guilty. Hmm, I think Clark needs to stop having such a negative view of Lois and her journalistic abilities.
It wasn't a negative view of her journalistic abilities, it was surprise anyone would want to hire someone caught breaking the law to get a story.
But he thinks Carpenter is going around doing exactly that. While on the other hand, it is not really clear that is what Lois was doing at all.

sad that Clark is attacking Lois.
He's not attacking Lois, actually, he's not saying more than he did in canon.
I didn't like the way he jumped ship in canon either.

At least he listened to Lois, although he seems to be under valuing the importance of her words.
It wasn't that he was undervaluing Lois's words, more that he didn't want to think about Linda and Carpenter being intimate, especially while in the room with them during a job interview.
Lois:He should just be glad Carpernter is unlikely to make the same pre-highering demands of him he made of Linda.

He is mad because the Daily Planet scooped them on Lex's health?
Scooped the Met Star on gossip about Lex's girlfriend.
Lois:I am not Lex's girlfriend.

I know this is canon, but it always seemed that Carpenter was too open about his methods considering how illegal they were.
I'm sure his words sound innocent enough if one doesn't know he's actually making thing happen.
This is what leads to me considering him over confident.

John Pack Lambert