Lois turned and marched into Perry’s office, slamming the door behind her.
Well, if Perry did tell her Clark was secretly defecting, she is doing an awfully good job of faking her anger.

“Is there some logical reason that you and Clark saw fit not to inform me that he was going to go undercover with the Metropolis Star?” she hissed.
Perry:What makes you think that Clark is going undercover? How do you know I have any part in this plan?

“Do you two think it’s funny that he’d just march over there and get a job with our competitor and not let me know?
Well her anger did make it so Carpenter was not likely to suspect a double-cross. Although, Carpenter gave me the impression of being too sure of himself to doubt that everyone would flock to his banner.

We’re supposed to be partners, Perry!”
This has not prevented Perry from having Clark not tell Lois about investigations in the past. Although I guess she does not know about it.

“How? What? My God, girl, how do you know about him being undercover?” Perry asked softly.
On the first reading I somehow thought that Perry had expected Clark to tell Lois what they were up to. However, it seems that he did not plan such. Although they should have been more clear about whether to tell Lois or not, since Clark thinking Perry might have told her means they had not made a firm decision on telling Lois.

Lois stared him in the eye and didn’t dignify that question with a proper response.
I wonder if her memories of past lives help. Still, knowing that a-Clark loves her, makes it unlikely to expect him to really leave. Knowing he is Superman might sway her to suspect he won't leave, but only if you assume Carpenter is a crook. That assumption I think is partly fueled by Lois' memory.

“Why do you think?” And she tilted her hand skyward.
See, I don't buy that Superman is the deciding factor. He still has to live somewhere. On the other hand, even without the Superman factor leaving does not make sense after what happened in the honeymoon suite.

Superman might lie to her to protect his secret identity as Clark Kent – or was it the other way around?
frown she still does not know which is the true identity. smile1 that not cheating on her came first.

He had too much integrity for that.
This is true. I still have to wonder if she isn't partly willing to trust him because she is doing undercover work with Luthor.

“That was quite a show you two put on out there. Did you discuss the particulars beforehand?” he asked.
This is the part where I did get the impression that Perry thinks Clark told her. They should have discussed the particulars before hand, although I do have to suspect it would have lacked the feel of reality if they did. Even if Lois could have given it her fully furry, Clark would have been hard pressed to react with genuine surprise.

“No, we didn’t discuss the particulars beforehand,” she repeated back to him with amazement.
Perry:I figured you could only have played into Clark's plan so perfectly by planning it.

“We were talking about his date with Linda King,
To be fair, it was more of a non-date. And he only agreed to it because Lois insisted on it, well, OK, maybe Lois going with Lex helped bring it about to.

and then all of a sudden he said he was meeting her for lunch and he had an interview.
This is speeding up the time table, but I guess the elevator incident happened weeks ago.

Then… then…” She flung her hand towards the door. “The lunkhead kissed my cheek, and I just knew.”
Perry:Lois, You seem to learn lots of things from kissing. Superman's identity, Clark's plans. Maybe if you and Clark kissed more often, you would have a Pulitzer.

Perry’s jaw fell open. “From that you just knew? How could you get here from there?”
The kiss called up memories of a past life grumble what is with all the wrong people touching in this part. grumble

“I… I don’t think that the particulars are germane.
dance he is still sticking up for Lois.

Let me just say, that Lois’s obsession with Linda is affecting her performance,” Clark replied.
Carpenter:So they have a more intimate relationship than I thought, if Clark knows about her performance.

He didn’t want to bash Lois too badly behind her back. He had only mentioned the coffee incident at lunch because he was sure it was already a fixture on the press corps gossip circuit.
Well, it will be now that he told it.

Linda jumped on the bait and did it for him. “You’re being too modest, Clark.
No wonder Lois hates Linda. Her choice of adjectives is horrible. This is not modesty, it is respect for others by not needlessly maligning them. Modesty is speaking less of your good qualities.

is When he left the Daily Planet to meet me for lunch today, Lois threw a mug full of hot coffee in his face.”
I guess it might relate to modesty if it is spun as desperate actions to keep the one good employee. But that would be a hard way to spin it, considering Clark had nothing to do with the scooping of Linda the day before.

and he was here to see if the Metropolis Star had anything to do with that.
I like the injections about his intentions. In canon they tried to leave it open that Clark really was defecting until Lois invaded his apartment. I really hope we do see that scene. OK, more like I would love having that scene, but doubt it will come up.

“We don’t pull any punches here, Kent. We make things happen!” Carpenter said, slapping his desk with emphasis.
I know this is canon, but it always seemed that Carpenter was too open about his methods considering how illegal they were.

Clark wondered exactly how literal the publisher of the Star was being.
More literal than any wise boss would be.

Carpenter stood up and held out his hand. “Then welcome to the Metropolis Star.”

Clark shook his hand with a smile. “Thank you.”
Hmm, well, I see we only have one more part left in this section. I guess it has been Ok, but there has been too little Lois and Clark interacting. I guess we had some this part, but not the type we really want.

frown that they aren't going to go to Kansas anytime soon.

John Pack Lambert