He could understand that. They hadn’t discussed or agreed upon revealing their romantic relationship to the office, yet.
Still, The anger is probably more that he is leaving. I wonder if she has any memories from the time before of this incident.

Moreover, it would make it more difficult for him to get a job over at the Metropolis Star, if news of that kiss reached Linda King or Preston Carpenter’s ears.
Not when it is accompanied by Lois going ballistic about it. Anyway, liking Lois as a person does not mean he still has loyalty to the failed newspaper she works for.

Lois and Clark were standing between her desk and Perry’s office, in the middle of the bullpen, and Clark knew they now had everyone’s attention, thanks to Lois’s outburst. He needed to make the most of this opportunity and hoped Lois loved him enough to forgive him later, should he rescue the Planet from financial ruin.
This seems like a needlessly risky plan.

“Good bye, Lois,” Clark said, trusting he had made it sound final enough as if the kiss had been one of departing… as in leaving the Daily Planet for good.
The one hope is that he called her Minha. That name should be a clue that he still loves her, completely.

“Damn straight, good bye, Kent!” Lois retorted, throwing the contents of her hot coffee in his face.
Lois, are you trying to expose his secret?

“You better get out of here after kissing my cheek without my say-so.”
Clark:I guess you can be bought Lois, since the guy who gave you a watch can kiss your cheek whenever he choses.

Hmm, I wonder if Lois is wearing the watch at at this point.

“Lois! That was uncalled for,” he gasped, soaking wet.
Lois:You want a convincing seen to show you have left us for the Star, I gave you it.

He wiped his face and glasses, and shook the liquid from his wet hands.
Lois:Whatever, that coffee must have been weak, you don't have any burns.

Great. That was what he got for teasing her about being all Mad Dog again.
Lois:Well, Linda won't doubt you want to go to her now.

Now, he’d have to fly home and change his clothes, and he had specifically worn his good grey suit… oh, crap. The grey suit he had bought for his first date with Lois.
I am glad to see he did not deliberately plan that level of insult.

He hoped she hadn’t remembered that.
Lois:You are not the only one with an eidetic memory. OK, maybe you are, but I still remember what the love of my life wore on our first date, even if he doesn't.

By the fiery expression in her eyes, he guessed that she had.
Clark:At least for the date with you, I bought a new suit. For the one with Linda, I used one from last year.

Lois:Not helping Clark, not helping at all.

“You just kissed our partnership goodbye, and I was ‘uncalled for’? You’re lucky I didn’t toss my mug as well,” she screamed,
Lois:If I tossed my mug, your secret would be out buddy.

Clark:What secret?

Lois:That you are Superman?

Clark:How would the mug prove that is the hot coffee didn't.

Lois:I don't know, but I just wanted to shout that to expose your secret anyway.

“Grab your stuff and… no! Don’t take your stuff, you… you, Benedict Arnold. We’ll have it delivered, C.O.D. Get out of here!” She pointed to the stairwell door.
This is just over the top enough, that Lois might be able to claim it was all a ruse.

Well, on the bright side, Lois had just validated his undercover assignment. “I had hoped we could still be friends,” he said.
Why is he bringing that up now. Better to leave an option than kill all hope.

“Friends? Friends? Are you daft, Chuck? I’ll never be ‘friends’ with you. Never!” she roared.
frown Although, she did say "Chuck", so maybe there is hope.

Clark nodded, hoping that her use of the endearment ‘Chuck’ meant that she didn’t mean what she was saying.
Well, considering her being ballistic about him kissing her cheek does not square with the reality of them making out in the supply closet, Clark probably has some grounds for hope. Although the fact that his defection is a cover also gives some hope. Still, I think he should have told her what he planned. He could have written her a note or something.

Had she figured out he was going undercover at the Metropolis Star?
Of course she has, this is Lois Lane, Kerth winner he is dealing with,she figures out everything.

Clark:Than why does she not recognize me without my glasses.

Reader:Maybe she does Clark, maybe she does.

It had been her idea after all, in a roundabout way.
But she also told him she really didn't want him to do it.

He wondered if Perry had mentioned it to her.
Clark, stop counting on Perry to do the communicating with your partner that you should be doing.

Clark shook coffee from his hands again and headed for the stairs.
I was so hoping he would figure out a way not to defect, or at least tell Lois first.

John Pack Lambert