Originally posted by John Lambert:
Clark:It still looks like a rolex to me. $500 that the jewel offered Lois is more than my Dad spent on Mom's wedding ring. OK, maybe not adjusted for inflation, but it is more than he actually spent.
Yes, when Jonathan Kent is as wealthy as Lex Luthor and still only buys a $500 ring, then I'll accept the analogy.

It really did not make sense in canon, and it makes less sense here.
I'll have to agree that it didn't make much sense in canon, but we're going with Lois Lane non-electronics expert-extraordinaire here. Are all of her suggestions supposed to be spot-on perfect?

She tried again. “Invest in gold bars?”
JOHN: What does that have to do with anything?
EW: Because the world's financial market is going down and gold will be worth more than paper money?
JOHN: Actually if the markets are about to collapse, you should invest in non-perishable food. However realistically Harrison plan would only disrupt the markets, not permanently destroy them.
Goods will still be available, they'll just be more expensive.

JOHN: Too much Luthor all around. He is not supposed to show up at the DP in any of these episodes.
EW: Well, here Lois is investigating him. In canon, Lois is dating him. Which would you rather see?
JOHN: He was totally absent from "The Rival", I liked that.
grumble Shoot.

Clark: dance she is not groveling in praise of his actions.
EW: /psst/ Clark? Lois doesn't grovel.
Clark:I think she came close back in early Febuary
Lois: mad you aren't supposed to bring that up.
clap Ooops.

Since he always lies the key is to figure out exactly how he is doing so.
Actually, he doesn't *always* lie, thus that's what makes him so treacherous. Like Clark he weaves his lies into reality.

The specific reason I worry is because early on Lois seemed to never openly disagree with Lex, and she was always arguing with Clark. The reason I worry is it might show she is getting closer to Luthor. I don't really think that is what is going on though.
LOIS: So, if I stand up for myself with Lex it means I like him? :rolleyes: I don't think so.

Clark:She seemed to accept all his offers last weekend. Going home from the Magic of the Night Ball, going to lunch the next day...
LOIS: *I* didn't accept all those things. My undercover persona did!
CLARK: So, what you're saying that if, FOR EXAMPLE, I was Superman... not that I am, this is a total example...
LOIS: /aside/ Methinks he protests too much.
CLARK: Anyway, so what you're saying is that I wouldn't be breaking Superman's code of ethics by letting myself be dragged into a B&E situation by my partner, wherein as Clark, since he's my *undercover* persona, hypothetically, I would be breaking the law, Superman couldn't be held liable?
LOIS: dizzy

I have major issues with BatP and FotHoL. I do not think Lois acts in character for most of them.
Nor do I think she acts in character with Luthor during Requiem, so you need to add that one to the list.

JOHN: He should just plain trust her. Although why she wants to be friends with the guy who shot her never really made sense to me.
LEX: IT was an accident!
JOHN: Caused by him valuing his freedom from jail more than Lois's life.
LEX: Well, what good would Lois's life be if I were in jail?

Although for what it is worth it does seem that Lena and Eugene's relationship did not fit most definitions of cheating, even without the factor of it being apart of an elaborate plan to fake a death. Although I am more conflicted about the whole matter.
I'm guessing they did make out.

Doutbful, Another Lois had a body count of over 100,000. I am not sure the number of kisses between Lois and Clark in the whole archive equal AL's body count.
laugh We're working on changing that total. wink

she is taking off her clothes.
EW: Hmmm. Are accessories considered "clothes"?
JOHN: It was the jacket she took off. I consider that clothes.
She also took off the watch, then put it in the jacket's pocket to muffle any sound reaching it in case it has an audio bug.
CLARK: I think it needs more padding. Take off your shirt, Lois.
LOIS: You first, big guy.
CLARK: blush um...er... uh... I don't like to show people my underwear.
LOIS: Then you shouldn't wear it outside of your tights.

But Lois did not know CK=SM. Clark knows he is SM. Anyway, I thought some of his getting out of such blunders was a bit unbelievable.
The "lead lined" faux pas from HiM is the worst one.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.