Originally posted by John Lambert:
Actually, I have to admit that Cat here in this story is probably not as bad as I make her out to be.
hyper Progress!

If it was not for her fighting Lois for her proper place as Clark's best friend I might not dislike her as much as I do. That was one thing I liked about L&C, Lois was always Clark's best friend.
Yes, but this Clark came to this dimension and Lois with a completely different objective than canon Clark did. He sees Cat as his "friend", but nothing more, and Lois as both his "friend" and "girlfriend". This is why he calls Cat his "best friend", because he knows he'll never see her as anything more.

Actually though, that is why on thinking about it, Clark proposing before telling her he was SM was so distressing to her.
Yes, he handled that badly.

I think the discussions that we have had on "should Clark propose before telling Lois he is SM" miss a big point. If Lois was primarily Clark's love interest, that would work. However, the fact that Lois can still want to be friends with Clark when she is engaged to Luthor, show that the relationship is more than just love.
Also, Lois already proved her love by saying that she was willing to die for Clark, which I believe is a stronger sentiment than saying that she'll marry Clark (over SM).

So there is another question. At what point does a friend become so close that Clark should tell them. If Clark had told Jimmy before Lois, it would have made Lois really mad. True, here Clark did not tell Cat, she just figured it out, but I understand why Lois finds this disturbing, and I feel for her.
Yes, if Cat knows and hasn't been smeared into the sidewalk for it, why shouldn't Clark have been able to tell Lois, so many months before? Good question. Clark?
CLARK: Hey, I just remembered something I had to do, if you'll just excuse me... [Linked Image]
LOIS: Always with the excuses.

LOIS: Because "separate" stories doesn't mean stories with other people!
JOHN: So would she be as mad if he worked on an investigation with Jimmy?
LOIS: Of course not! Clark helping Jimmy would be a requirement. Have you read Jimmy's writing?

EW: I'm sure that if there had been a S5 Dr. Klein would have been a series regular.
JOHN: Well, Lois would have had to see someone who she could really trust for her check-ups during her pregnancy.
Well, perhaps.

I am a little surprised they managed to not show Dr. Klein in "Family Hour" though. He may have been in more episodes in Season 4 than Martha and Jonathan.
Nope. According the LnC Character database, Dr. Klein only showed up 6 times in S4, while M&J were in most of the episodes.

EW: *FUTURE* Grandchildren. Not any that they have now.
JOHN: But since Clark believes Wells, wouldn't the mention of such an impossibility just make him sad. Hmmm.
He believes (hopes) that Wells will return with a cure at some point.

Actually I have just discovered a major plot whole in "Soul Mates". When we first meet Wells he mentions Lois and Clark having descendants, he basically tells Lois she will be a good mother, than in "Soul Mates", he suggests that Lois will die unless they undo the curse. If Lois dies before they undo the curse, than how was Wells ever in a future where Lois was a mother.
Perhaps it was an older version of Wells who tells Lois this. One who had already dealt with the Soul Mates issue in the past.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.