“Eugene Laderman is hiding out at my apartment,” she whispered.
smile1 she told him. Although I was so, so hoping he would tell her The Secret. I am very frown he didn't.

“On the lives of our future grandchildren,” Lois insisted.
smile1 touching.

He knew she was doing it on purpose.
Even better.

The way she said ‘partner’, he could tell she meant in a romantic sense.
Now if he would only believe her.

“When it’s convenient for you, yes,” he replied, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow.
Lois:I'm not the one who is working with someone posing as my partner.

“Come to my apartment,” Lois said in her pleading voice.
dance he will go to her place. Hmm, will he find that the voyer has returned?

He hated it when she used this voice against him. It reminded him of when Lana tried to wheedle him into doing things he didn’t want to do.
He still has issues.

looking up at him in that ‘I really want to kiss you’
Have them kiss! Have them kiss!

“Thanks, Clark,” she replied crinkling of her nose with that quick grin she used whenever she won. “You’re the greatest.” She gave his chest a quick pat and then turned to head back to her desk.
dance more touching.

John Pack Lambert