Darth Michael: Thank you for your entertaining comments. smile1
CAT: Because Clark only does Lois. Duh!
LOIS: Actually, apparently he does everyone *but* me.
Actually, Lois doesn't know that, but otherwise clap

She doesn’t sound angry at all.
Cheating on her body was one thing, but cheating on his partner! That's worse than cheating on one's wife!
CLARK: Uh... no.

It’s about an aspiring doctor who was so in student dept, she had to turning tricks to keep her credit rating at a sustainable level. And now she’s gone missing. Good thing journalism school’s much cheaper than studying to become a doctor.
LINDA: Only if you don’t try to sustain a drug habit.
LOIS: Or a chocolate habit. [Linked Image]

See? All Lois does is looking good in a mini-skirt propped on the hood of Clark’s car while he’s out solving cases.
LOIS: Who does Clark think he is? Remington Steele?
CLARK: Uh... no. Man of Steel.
/Crickets chirp/

LOIS: <<looks hard>> Where?
LOIS: (cont.) There's no Pulitzer on *my* desk!

Oh, this will be fun if EW manages to sustain this until Clark leaves for the Met Star. Lois will be so ticked off, she’ll jump right into bed with the devil.
LEX: <<smiles innocently, yet all the Readers can see is his true devilish self>>
LOIS: I'm not *that* hard up. I'd jump into bed with Jimmy first.
JIMMY: Uh... Sorry, Lois, but I'm kind of dating your sister, long distance relationship and all, so... no.
LEX: clap

She could tell Clark and tell him not to tell Superman until it’s secured. He surely wouldn’t be so stupid as to go all macho and help Lois find it, right? Right?
CLARK: Who are you people?
That would be a "no". And, Clark, we're the "evil" people.

LEX: I’ve got some grease…
What's that for? Her hair?

It definitely wasn't skintight or revealing, but at least it was professional.
PROFESSIONAL: No, it’s not.
Okay, not "Cat" or "Linda" professional, but businesswoman professional.

She’s a hoarder, isn’t she? And how does she know the gun’s stolen? He could have borrowed it from a cop while the law keeper was taking a power-out-nap.
Apparently, Eugene stole it from an evidence room or something? Can't remember off the top of my head where it got it, definitely at the courthouse. She's just waiting for the appropriate way to depose of it.
CLARK: <<hands on hips>> This sounds like a job for Superman!

Cat’s going to have to pack up and move once Lois and Clark get it on for real.
CAT: Don't be ridiculous! I love Metropolis and the Daily Planet. I'd never leave. Unless it was bombed and I was out of a job or something.

“While you’re warming Lex’s bed.”

Lois felt sick to her stomach. It really was a horrible metaphor.

LEX: Metaphor? confused
Poor Lex. He thought it meant that they'd both be there.

LEX: That’s what drugs and chains are for.
Only as a last resort.

RALPH: Hmm…Two chiccas spending the day in the restroom. What do I write down… ‘Nothing happened today with Subject L’.

‘rescue toy’ <<ER Titters with glee>>
Glad you enjoyed.

And yeah, that’s my favorite pet peeve. Why not have blackmail a guy into jumping out of a plane without a chute and when Superman comes to rescue him, he gets the Kryptonite out?
LEX: Why would Lois need resucing? It’s much more likely that Superman would collapse on her living room floor.
Well, if one were to calculate how much time Superman spent rescuing Lois vs. how much time he spent in her living room...
LEX: Too much math. As long as he doesn't die in her bedroom.

I do wonder though, why would Lex leave the watch on Lois when he has her kidnapped himself instead of Church doing it? Unless she just ends up a floater, and then Superman can use the homing signal to get her out before she’s too much chewed up by the fish.
Perhaps he's too distracted by her beauty to remember it's a homing device on her wrist. Or that she's too stupid to have it checked out and the signal recorded.
LOIS: And this is why he'll always fail.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.