See, she doesn't only give Clark the ordinary man speech. laugh
This is the inverse of the odinary man speach. The ordinary man speach is "SM, I would love you the same even if you were an ordinary man." This is "Lex I would react differently to you if you were an ordinary man".

Clark: I will let Lex get this ordinanry man speach, I don't want to hear Lois tell me this, in or out of the suit.

Lois: I chose out of the suit, wait, no I did not say that, I am not implying I want to see you in less clothing.

Clark: The audience does not think "unclothered" when they see "Clark out of the suit".

Lois: Huh? Why?

Clark: Well, I could tell you, but then the EW would not have any more fun writing dialogue where we speak around each other.

And sleep together.
LOIS: It was just that one time. Or was that the second time?
Clark: Well, it depends how we define "sleep" and "together". However we have only once slept both of us in the same bed.

This is totally true. Hmm, she did not even make the "arrived seperately claim".
Doesn't need to.
Lois: I do not have to answer to Lex for whether or not I am dating Clark. Why am I even telling him this much?

How does Lex know this?
LEX: Everything about Lois is upmost of importance to me. <<he has spies everywhere>>
Reader: I know that. I am just pointing it out, hoping that Lois will take notice of it.

Lois: I am begining to wonder why Lex has been gathering so much information about me.

Reader: Will this Lois be properly creeped out by Lex having a facsimile of her apartment in ASU, or will we not get there?

Lois: It was for my birthday. Some people really lavish their friends on their birthdays.
LEX: I took you out for a really lavish lunch.
Lois: Relative to your income, you have never done such. It means more coming from Clark because he has to work longer to afford the lunch.

I guess technically they have not been on any dates since the Keth Awards, despite having slept together.

Lois: We did not sleep together.

Reader: You were sleeping, and you were in the same bed.

Lois: That is not what the phrase means.
CLARK: Yes, Reader, you are making my life sound much happier than it is.
Reader: Clark, I think you need to accept that it is happier than it is. Lois will trust you, now just tell her the truth already.

Lois: Not when your work partner spends the nigth with you.
Hmmmm. It seems as if John really liked that scene from a couple of parts ago. I hope he doesn't self-combust when PML starts in a part or two. [Linked Image]
I was going to ask for clarification, but I decided I really did not want to understand.

Nothing if she was on a date with Luthor.
She's thinking, if she were able to sneak away to the "rest room" once or twice.
I said a date with Luthor. He would not tolrate her leaving fotr an unreasonable amount of time.

Nothing like an evening with Lex to make her want to give Clark the benefit of the doubt.
Clark: smile1 she is giving me the benefit of the doubt.

CLARK: Well, I've mentioned it once or twice.

LOIS: It could have been a lie. This is more hopeful optimism.

CLARK: You can be optismistic?
Lois: Yes, otherwise I would have no hope you would ever tell me the truth. As it is I know I have to guide you to telling me the truth, but with enough nudging you probably will.

Clarkie bear has made his appearance.
Better late than never, apparently.
Lois: I still want the big bear. Wait, I did not say that out loud. None of you heard that. I like this Clarkie bear very much. Even if he does not produce warmth like the Clarkie, wait, I did not say that either. I like this very much.

Clark: So did Lois think Santa was Superman, or is she just acting for Samantha's benefit, and knew it was me all along?
It's also possible that she thought it was Clark and then when he disappeared up the chimney by just lying a finger beside his nose, she realized it wasn't Clark but Superman. But that might imply she might confuse the two men.
On the other hand, since Santa was not wearing glasses, he couln't possibly be Clark, now could he?

John Pack Lambert