How could Clark not fear commitment when the dearest people in the world to him were torn from him so suddenly as a child?
She is starting to truly understand Clark.

because he loved her.
At least she realizes this.

Santa reappeared out of his sack with a black and white fuzzy teddy bear and held it out for her. “So you never have to be alone, Ms. Lane,” he said, holding it out to her.
smile1 smile1 Clarkie bear has made his appearance.

How could he ever give up such a woman?
Hopefully he does not have to find out.

How had she known Superman was going to be at the Metropolis City Orphanage?
The same way she knows his name is Chuck.

Had she thought Santa was Clark not Superman?
Good question. I am unsure on the matter myself.

Clark stood up, took a leap into the air, and came back down spinning out of Jonathan’s old Santa suit,
He even borrowed Jonathan's suit like canon-Clark did (ok, in Virginia's own incarnation of canon, but there is no 1st season contradiction of that per se, so I will call it canon).

He walked into the dining room from the kitchen. He hadn’t taken more than five steps, before his favorite brunette approached him.
Lois: Who is this brunette?

Clark: You, of course.

Lois: Oh.

“Clark, I was so worried. He found you!” she said, giving him a hug. “Santa found you.”
Clark: So did Lois think Santa was Superman, or is she just acting for Samantha's benefit, and knew it was me all along?

John Pack Lambert