See note that explains about the children’s book name “Ferdinand” the bull who hated bull fighting and loved to smell flowers.
/noticed/ smile

So, she gets into barn fights sometimes?
[Linked Image]

This secret identity stuff would be so much easier without all the dead bodies stacking up.
[Linked Image]

quote:Lois is going to be ticked off.

Because Trask shot him first?
Jep. She’s the only one allowed to hurt him.

She could kiss him to sleep like Indy.
Awww… /recommends Roadtrecking by MLT on the dark side/

Oh, dear, and Lois promised to take care of him, like he took care of her, if he ever got shot.
LOIS: I, most certainly, did not!
CLARK: Nope. That was just my wishful thinking. She told me NOT to get shot. <see above quote from Part 36>

CLARK: <laughing> Like I would have heard anything I didn’t want to hear. They were like in their 40s.

MARTHA: <looks at him with pity> Oh, honey. It happens.

JONATHAN: More often than you probably knew about.

CLARK: [Shock] But… but… but… they were my PARENTS!! Ewwww.
wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.