“That was before I became your partner,” he teased as if it were her fault.
smile1 hyper She is touching me.

Trask wanted Clark dead. It was okay in her book that Hank defended Clark by killing Trask. If she lived in this county, he’d have her vote for Sheriff.
Probably Marthan and Jonathan's votes as well. And the Irigs. And he probably could get lots of backing for his campaign fund from Mr. Lang. Hmm, I think Max will have a tough run for his money, even if the election is in a month. But since most elections are in even years, Hank probably has over a year to oust Max.

Thomas: I hope not. I don't think we can survive another year of Max's cruel rule.

“Why did he think you were Superman?” she asked.
This is the key question.

“He threatened to kill the Kents if I didn’t produce Superman. So, I told him that…” He took a deep breath. “I’m Superman,” Clark sheepishly admitted.
This is true, from a certain point of view. The only problem is that Trask did not believe just on Clark's words.

“And he believed you?” Lois scoffed. “How certifiable can one man be?”
The EW seems to want to drive home the fact that all of us who thought Clark could fix his problem by telling Lois the truth were wrong.

Of course, if Clark had told Lois "but Lois, it is the truth, I am Superman", she might keep that in her mind for future reference.

Clark stared at her, his jaw hanging open as if in astonishment. “You’re not… mad, Lois?”

“What? Mad? You thought I believed him?” Lois laughed. “Please. You two may both have brown hair, and brown eyes, and be roughly the height, Chuck, but so is Thomas, and Jimmy, and neither of them are Superman either.
But Thomas and Jimmy are not obsessed with Lois. And the similarities is Clark and SM's apparance go beyond that. I guess it just goes to show that people only see what they want to.

You and Superman are worlds apart.” Then realizing what she said, added, “Pun intended.” Mad? Why would she be angry?
Clark: Because I told someone else the truth before I told you.

“You’re right, Chuck, I am mad,” she announced, hitting his arm. “How could you have risked your life by telling that nutjob that you’re Superman? The last thing Superman would want is you dead because you impersonated him.”

Clark reached up and pushed a lock of her hair off her face. “You’re wro…” he started saying and then coughed. “Actually, the last thing Superman would want is you dead.”
Nice save Clark, you avoided going through with the w word. You were on very thin ice nearly telling Lois that.

Lois smiled.
Clark: dance dance dance I got Lois to smile.

Okay, he had a point there. “Superman wouldn’t want either of us dead, Clark,” she corrected his correction.
Clark: Lois, you don't get it.

Sheriff Harris marched back to them, still holding Thomas’s gun. “If you’re not Superman, then who are you?” he asked.

“Clark Kent,” Clark said again. This time with a sigh.
Clark: Well, I am about to have my cover blown.

“Clark’s my distant cousin,” Jonathan announced,
party Jonathan has given Clark a workable cover.

Now the question is, what will Lois do with this knowledge?

John Pack Lambert