It was a bit swollen and red, but it wasn’t bleeding. “Did you aggravate an old football injury?”
Clark: I never got injured this badly in football.

NR: What about when someone threw you the glowing green ball.

Clark: No glowing green balls in football.

Lois: Stop trying to pretend I don't know about sports. Is it an old tennis injury?

Clark: Why would I get injured in tennis if I don't get injured in football.

Lois: I got injured in tennis, I never got injured at a football game.

Clark: You never played in the football games, you were playing in the tennis games.

Lois: Hey, my uncle Mike got injured while a spectator at a soccer game in Italy. Anyway, tennis palls can be green, I think I once saw a glowing green one.

Clark: If we ever play tennis, no green balls on the court please.

“I’ll be okay,” Clark groaned in contrast to his words, and pulled his shirt closed with one hand.
Clark, let her give you hands-on treatment as long as she wants to.

“How about you? Lois, he didn’t… You’re bleeding.”
Clark: smile1 hyper She is hugging me.

PR: This is my favorite part of the story in a long time.

NR: Yes, I think I will leave.

PR: party

NR: Nah, I will stick around some more. A lunkhead like Clark will figure out some way to mess things up.

John Pack Lambert