“I asked him to help out at the farm after my accident. I figured if everyone in town thought he was a drifter named Jerome, he could come and go as he pleased without being the center of gossip. I didn’t want people to talk, which I knew they would if another Kent suddenly arrived in town.” He set a hand on his wife’s hand. “I’m sorry, Martha,” he said with heartfelt remorse. “I know you asked me not to…” His voice faded as he left that apology unfinished. He turned back to the sheriff. “I didn’t even tell Martha. I didn’t want her to know how much trouble the farm was in.”
Well, this will work for Hank, Thomas, Max and other locals. However I don't think it will answer Lois' questions at all.

Lois: Nope, it does not add up.

Jimmy: I believe it. It makes total sense.

So why won't Lois believe it? I have a few ideas.

The one that is sure is that Lois won't believe it. If this was true, than why did Clark make up that he was her husband? Why did he use the fake name with Jonathan and Martha?

If it were true, she might accept Clark is a common name in the Kent clan, and give up believing Clark stole the other Clark's identity. However, it just does not work well with Clark claiming to be her husband.

“You got ID?” Sheriff Harris asked Clark.

He nodded and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. He handed the man his driver’s license and his press pass.
I guess it is good Clark stuck with his real name. Hopefully Max does not do a deep search on Clark's driver's license.

Sheriff Harris looked the documents over and handed them back. “Do you have a birth certificate?”
grumble I was just getting into the document collecting groove.

John Pack Lambert