Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen

A boy named Clark Kent is raised in the small Kansas town of Pickettville. In this universe, Superman is a comic book hero and Clark Kent is tormented for being named the hero's alter-ego. (Thanks, Mom & Dad!) In his teen years, he discovers that he, too, has powers... Superman's powers.

The story goes from Clark having no powers to discovering powers to moving to NYC and to being set up on a blind date with a woman named Lois (who understands the jokes and teasing), and beyond.

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I really enjoyed this look into a world where Clark had to create a life for himself with his powers in a world where everyone already gave him grief for having Clark's name. His and Lois's relationship is sweet and everything fans of L&C:NAOS would hope for.

If ANYONE has a copy of this comic, the library's copy had the most important pages (Pg 15-16) torn out... You know the pages where Clark discovers he has powers. wallbash Who does that!?! [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.