Originally Posted by Darth Michael
More FDK FDK! hyper Any reason for the triple empty quote blocks? Did something get lost in translation?

Did Lois bring Mayson homemade cookies?
I doubt Lois would waste her time in that manner.

CLARK: Me flirting with a significantly older woman who likes to date outside her non-creepy dating pool?
EW: Because older women are *never* interested younger handsome men? (sarcasm)
ER: Hence Clark’s worry. (from the Cougar brigade?)
LOIS: But…but…but…*Mother* never was interested in any man not named Jack or Daniel after she was past forty!
Ewwwww. Ellen went after DAN?
LOIS: I knew I didn't like Rocky Road. [Linked Image]

CLARK: Must you rub it in.
LOIS: I quit him. I turned him down at the altar.
ER: So, she *almost* went through with it. And in the end, she thought he deserved a better woman. A woman who’s not pining after another guy.
That would explain why she kissed him after telling him 'no'.

Lois after Halloween?
The only Halloween story (KenJ's) that we got this year, seems to point to Lois getting enough exercise to burn off all the calories.

LOIS: What does that have to do with Mayson having big ears? Wait. Why do you carry protection?
CLARK: I don't.
LOIS: /nods/ Okay. Don't worry. I'm always prepared.
CLARK: What?
ER: Let me guess, none of them has an older packaging date then the day of Superman’s arrival?
LOIS: [Linked Image] I plead the Fifth.

She undressed him with her eyes?
CLARK: Cousin Kara?!
Jor-El: Aaaawkward!
MAYSON: What? Me? No! Can first cousins date on Krypton?
CLARK: I doubt it.
MAYSON: Then definitely not.

She’s just like Christmas, isn’t she?
You mean a gift that's only opened once a year?
CLARK: Where's Herb and that time machine?

MAYSON: And, Judge, when we're finished with Mr. Rage, I'd like to lodge a sexual harassment suit against my main witness. Thank you.
ER: Can you actually do that if it’s not an employer-employee relationship and no physical contact was involved?
I don't think so. Right now, it's a big issue about women getting harassed walking down the street. It was listed as a crime in the penal code I referenced in Lois and Clark Do 100 Crimes thread.
CAT: Uh-oh.

LOIS: Oh, shut up, Clark. If you hadn't noticed. Pretty women talk to you all the time.
CLARK: /looking at Lois/ I know.
LOIS: /doesn’t realize that Clark is referring to her and gets all huffy/

ER: What? He might want to ask her out on a date or something.
LOIS: That's professional. (sarcasm)
ER: What? *She’s* dressing up as ‘available’ to get inside scoops.
LOIS: That’s because I’m a woman. When a guy does it, it’s creepy and unprofessional.
I thought the "she" was Mayson.

MARTIN SNELL: My client was obviously set up by ADA Drake and her boytoy over there.
LOIS: Cllaaark! You ruined the case against the man who tried to bomb my uncle's cafe!
CLARK /confused why pretty women being nice to him always seems to lead to trouble/
CLARK: Ma, it happened again.

No, no. Lois wouldn't do that.
LOIS: Okay, Clark, strip. The bad guys can't see us if we're naked!
ER: It did work in that one story by Editor Jax where she sent L&C to New Orleans during Mardi Gras.
Ooooh. I haven't read that one! Would that be over on the Archives, per chance? Or is that something else I should look for over at Annie's Nfic Archives?

EW: As a member of the wedding party, he would still be able to enjoy them, though, right?
JIMMY: I'm okay with being an usher.
LOIS: I'm not buying you ANY strippers, Clark!
CLARK: Ooooh, Lois. Are you going to break out that harem costume again?
ER: So, private bachelor party for Clark, then?
JIMMY: So, I'm NOT invited? Man, that sucks.

EW: Completely - check. Totally - check. Irrationally - check. Jealous - no check?
ER: Actually, the irrationally one’s the fail.
Okay, I was wondering there.

ER: Nah, she just doesn’t want to be partnered with a stooge.
EW: The true reason Cat left?
ER: Perry introduced the new hire she was to work with?
RALPH: /wave/
And gave Clark to Cat? jawdrop
CAT: hyper

CLARK: Have I just been insulted?
Reeve-CLARK: /pats his shoulder/ Don't worry. It just means the disguise is working.
CLARK: Didn't you grow up on this planet as Clark Kent, too? Why are you acting as if that part of you doesn't exist?
Reeve-CLARK: Dad died when I was young. I try to forget that part. Plus, I got there during Kindergarten, so some of my personality was already formed.
I thought it was more like Age 3.

LOIS: /Nah. I can take 'em/
CLARK: I really shouldn't date anyone so willing to harm another human being.
LOIS: I’ll kill him!
Not really helping her case there, is she?

LOIS: What does he mean by ‘Galactically Stupid’?
It's just something Clark calls himself from time to time. Just ignore him.
ER: So, trying to not upset your female lead character?
LOIS: What does the ER mean by ‘female’? I *am* the *lead* character. Period.
CLARK: She’s having her period?
ER: /peep/ That last one just fell into place…
And you wonder why your Lois-Muse has been absent lately?

WELLS: No, no. I only get involved if there's a chance the curse might be enacted. Doesn't stand a chance here.
ER: He’s not very good at determining human intent, is he?
TEMPUS: /wave/
It's part of HG Wells's charm.

CLARK: Puppies. Flowers. Rainbow. Please, just make it stop!
EW: Puppies, flowers, and rainbows give Clark unromantic thoughts?
CLARK: What can I say? I was a child in the 70s.
ER: I was thinking ‘happy place thoughts’?
And going to his "happy place" will stop him from being aroused? dizzy

CLARK: /forms T with his hands/ Time-Out! I don't want anyone to get killed. Okay, ladies, winner takes all in a mud wrestling match.
MAYSON: Excuse me.
LOIS: /cracks neck and knuckles/ I can do that.
JIMMY: /buys popcorn/
RALPH: Can I have some? /lunges in/
CAT: Only if I get to write it up.

CLARK: Hey, Mayson, sorry about calling so late. Could you roll over and tell Mr. Church to have his guys lay off Mike's Cafe Americana? It's really developing a crimp in my relationship with Lois. Thanks.
ER: I’m not sure that would put him in good standing with Mayson. She might even nix the ‘ski’-weekend.
LOIS: /pats his shoulder/ Aw shucks, huh, Clark. Well, better luck next time.

ER: /thinks she'll turn into a cat woman/
I was thinking she'd more likely turn into Robin from HIMYM.
ER: Robin?
HIMYM = How I Met Your Mother.

ER: Duh! He’s a guy. Clark’s a guy. No attraction lost there.
EW: So, everything has to do with sexual attraction, no matter what the story might be?
ER: points at ‘author’ column/ peep
I take offense at that and any other statement of fact that implies my characters don't take their work seriously.

ER: Drawing diagrams?
CLARK: hyper Is that like Pictionary?
ER: Yes, he always has to uncover two pieces that match.
CLARK: Keep taking off clothing. I don't see any matches yet.
EW: What does that have to do with Pictionary?
LOIS: I was wondering the same thing?
CLARK: But Mayson said that's how this game was played.

LOIS: *Or* the most obvious choice is the simplest. He's plain wrong.
CLARK: Right. Wait, that’s not a trope, is it?
Not always, then it gets predictable.

ER: Like in “What’s the difference between a college co-ed and an ADA?”
MAYSON: /confused/ I’m not a college co-ed. I have a law degree.
RALPH: I'm going to go with "A sense of humor".
ER: And yet, they both want to put him into jail when she jumps out of a closet at a girls dorm, dressed as The Naked Man with a clown mask and very large shoes.
CO-ED: He was exaggerating with the shoes.
I have no idea where you just went, but that sounds like grounds for Perry not to hire Ralph.

So, maybe Mayson has been sleeping with Church this whole time?
ER: No, I’m sure that could get her disbarred.
Only if its discovered he's the head of Intergang.
MAYSON: Honestly, D.A. Clemmons I had *no* idea that my married ex-boss whom I was sleeping was also head of an international crime syndicate.
LOIS: Explains a lot about the D.A.'s office in Metropolis conviction rate, doesn't it?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.