Am I in or out of the closet...hmmm...

Well, I haven't exactly jumped up on table in the cafeteria at school, screaming, "I love Lois & Clark!!"

But if a person pays attention to me, it won't take him too long to discover that I do have an obsession with LNC. My locker at school has got a huge S-shield all over it on the inside, and you'd also see that a lot of my drawings are based on the show. If you walk into my room, you'll also see a small poster of the Daily Planet logo, a news clip about Margot Kidder and Teri Hatcher, and a huge picture of Dean Cain in the suit with his jacket on. And, of course, a glass framed photo of Teri Hatcher with her autograph on it. smile

But when people see this, they just think, "Oh, it's just one more thing about that girl..." No one who knows me would ever say, "She's such a typical teenager."

As for the rest of how my room looks like, you won't find any movie poster of the latest film with the latest hunk in Hollywood: lousy movie, good-looking guy. No, here it's all about the *real* movies - classics. Grease, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Cabaret (the broadway musical, Teri hatcher) and I've also got my room decorated with a poster of Audrey Hepburn, Julia Roberts and James Dean, and there's also the *huge* "carpet" of the movie Hannibal that's probably about 8 x 3 feet big.. laugh Yeah, I know, big fan of Anthony Hopkins.

So I've got really nothing to hide... Although I must admit that if my family asked what I was doing, I'd say, "I'm writing" or "I'm making videos", and not "I'm writing LNC fanfic" and "I'm making trailers for LNC fanfic."

But if they found out, I really wouldn't care if they had anything bad to say about it. Because I know for myself that this isn't just "any" fan-community. Integrity and quality are just two of the many words that can describe all this. And that's enough for me. smile

So, am I in or out of the closet? I'm in the closet, but it's open for everyone to come and take a look inside! wink

Pelican smile

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay