I don't deny it if people ask me, and if it comes up in a conversation (though it hardly ever does) I join in, but I don't just come up to people and say, "Oh, you know what happened to Lois and Clark in this story I read yesterday? Wait till I tell you all about it!" (well, I used do that to my best friend, but she would get annoyed and shut me up so I stopped)

It's just that no one I know watches or even knows the show. My generation (excluding rarities like me and Anna) doesn't know L&C because it started when I was 5 and ended when I was 9. I watched it from age 6 or 7, but hardly anyone else did- even though there were reruns, but come on, no one watches TV at 8 AM, school or summertime. Even I never woke up that early in the summer- I always set up my VCR to record for me.

I do tell people I write, and when they ask me what, I do say fanfic.

Let's just say that: If we ever got an assignment in school, to write a paper or a speech or something on the topic of our choice, I would probably choose Superman. Actually, my friend told me about this guy she saw that made a poster about Supes for school, but I never saw it frown .


Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)