Oh my gosh, this is the best poll ever. I'm loving reading everyone's responses!

Just like Pam, I'm hanging out all over the place. Everyone knows that I'm obsessed with Superman, and almost everyone knows that I write fanfic. Most of my friends and family (good-naturedly) torture me about it, but my dad actually thinks it's great because it's gotten me really into computers. I used to be afraid to even unhook or hook up my computer, and now I'm constantly upgrading it and installing new hardware and software. The other day my dad started to explain something computer-ish to me, and I was like, "Dad, I know how to do that." He laughed. laugh

Side note: I've recently become obsessed with One Tree Hill. Anyone who's not watching it should give it a try for a couple of eps. The other day I was talking about it to my mom and she said, "Is this going to become like your Lois and Clark thing?" It is. It's that good.

Anyway, I'm absolutely fascinated that anyone could possibly keep it a secret. For me, it just seems to come up all the time. People ask me what I do in my spare time, or where I want to go to law school (in NC, with Annie!), or where I got that cool CD I'm listening to (from Sas for my b-day!). Or sometimes it'll be in a conversation that's totally unrelated, but something reminds me of something someone here said ("oh, my friend *insert FoLC's name here* said that the other day..."). For the most part that last convo doesn't end in a FoLC-admission, but try saying that to someone when the FoLC's name is Labby. People go "What??" and I have to go, "Well, her screenname is LabRat, but a lot of us just call her Rat or Labby." Just picture the look on someone's face when you tell them that. goofy

EDIT AGAIN: I just thought of another good non-FoLC-not-getting-it story. I was explaining to my roommate about how there are some people in the fandom who don't get along with each other all that well, and she got this thoughtful look on her face and said, "So, it's kinda like real life then?" Appearently up to that point she thought we all behaved sort of robotically without getting to know each other or bonding or having arguments or anything of the sort. :rolleyes: