I haven't read all the responses, because I haven't had time. But I'll post my response anyway.

Well, I have no problem telling everyone. The thing is, L&C doesn't have many friends here in Greece, and many people only have a vague idea of what the Internet can offer :rolleyes: So I only tell people in three cases:
1) They're close friends of mine. So, as they know everything about me, they have to know about this too smile
2) Something related to fanfiction or FoLCdom happened, and I want to talk about it. That includes telling my parents how people compliment me about my capability of speaking English laugh And, be sure, that if I win a Kerth (don't shoot!! I said, if) the whole school will learn about FoLCdom laugh (I never said I'm not annoying :p )
3) I'm having a conversation about hobbies, writing or foreign languages. Then I explain in short what I'm doing.

So, how many people know? Let's see...

-Many of my friends (10 people at least).
-My parents and brothers (well, I don't know how much my 9 year old brother can understand about fanfiction :p but the 14 year old is doing just fine)
-My English teacher knows. (!) I have even used her as a BR. (!!!)

Now, how many people have read fanfic of mine?

Apart from my teacher, three of my friends have. Two of them did because I asked them to... I was a newbie and wanted to see what they'd think. (They really liked what they read... One of them told me I should send it to be turned into a movie!!) The third one asked me to give her something to read when I told her I was writing, and since then, she's read several stories of mine - all after her own request. And there's one more to whom I've promised to give a fic I'm working on (very slowly), and she's asked me a few tmes about it.

Jana's story reminded me of something that happened recently. Something happened (don't remember what) and I said "Oh, that's like it happened once at L&C" and my friend (one of my closest ones) said "Oh, no, not again!!". She then explained that I had already mentioned that incident another time goofy

Seriously, I see no reason to hide it. It's something I love doing and it's just included in the Anna package smile It's useful too... Try comparing my current English writing with my one-year-ago English writing. You won't believe how much it has improved!

Interesting poll.
See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...